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Learning classical music by listening
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference Asked by: carolacassidy-ga List Price: $2.00 |
27 Jul 2002 11:54 PDT
Expires: 26 Aug 2002 11:54 PDT Question ID: 45851 |
I am looking for an article I read in the last 10 years in a priodical about recommended classical music recordings to get to educate oneself in this area? |
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Re: Learning classical music by listening
Answered By: weisstho-ga on 27 Jul 2002 19:07 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello carolacassidy-ga! I answer your question with more than a little bit of trepidation since my two esteemed colleagues, pinkfreud and chromedome, have felt more comfortable commenting than answering. (Just for the record, in the researcher clubhouse, "Chromey" is the resident classisist and all-round smart guy, BUT he is Canadian and I am absolutely confident that the answer to your question lies south of the 48th parallel. Pinky seems to know something about everything, too.) BUT HERE IT IS! I am certain you are recalling a 1994 book updated in 1999 and authored by Theodore Libbey of National Public Radio. The book was published by the Workman Publishing Company, is 536 pages and paperback, and has ISBN: 0761104879. The book is touted as invaluable to any music lover who wishes to build a classical music collection but doesn't know where to start. It's an expert's appreciation -- composer by composer, work by work -- of the symphonies, concertos, chamber pieces, keyboard works, sacred works, and operas that belong in every music lover's library. The helpful volume also includes such topics as Emotional Truth vs. Technical Brilliance, The Bach Boys, The Analog/Digital Debate, Best Budget Buys, Music Lore, Insider Anecdotes, and the Language of Music Lovers. The book contains information on more than 300 essential operas, concertos, and symphonies, with sidebars and anecdotal material on composers, performers, and recordings. Barnes and Noble. Barnes and Noble has the book available for $14.35: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=0761104879&pwb=1 Amazon has the book available for $11.17. See: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0761104879/ref=pd_bxgy_text_1/002-7753066-6768009 NPR(R) has a shop where you can order directly from them (see http://shop.npr.org/catalog/Category.jhtml?CATID=8 ). Some of the other titles that you may interested in are: The NPR Curious Listeners Guide to Popular Standards by Max Morath; The NPR Curious Listeners Guide to Classical Music by Tim Smith; The NPR Curious Listeners Guide to Opera by William Berger; The NPR Basic Record Library; The NPR Classical Music Companion by Miles Hoffman; and Opera for Dummies by David Pogue. I believe that Ted Libbey's book received quite a bit of publicity both in 1994 but also in 1999 when NPR was publishing their lists of the greatest music of the twentieth century and then taking off on the greatest music of all time. I sure do hope that this is exactly what you were remembering! (If I may share a secret: as the law nerd of our research group, it would feel awfully nice to pull one over on Pinkfreud and Chromey on a topic such as this! ;-) Happy listening! weisstho-ga Search Terms Used: ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=npr+guide+to+classical+music |
rated this answer:![]() The anwer did not provide the article I was looking for; but the information was both very informative and the style was very entertaining.... I'll be back with future questions |
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Re: Learning classical music by listening
From: pinkfreud-ga on 27 Jul 2002 15:29 PDT |
Searching for an article on such a broad subject, in an unknown periodical, over a ten year period, is something I'm not up to. I get "hardening of the smarteries" even contemplating such a search. However, I would love to be able to help someone who is new to the field of classical music appreciation. There are many online sites where you can learn more about classical music, and find lists of recommended recordings for the novice. This is an excellent place to start: http://classical.btopenworld.com/beginners/index.php Here are some sites which offer a wealth of useful information for the beginner: http://classicalmusic.about.com/library/weekly/aa052201a.htm http://www.good-music-guide.com/articles/beginnersguide01.htm http://www.angelfire.com/pa/noviceclassical/ http://www.classical.net/ Happy listening! |
Re: Learning classical music by listening
From: chromedome-ga on 27 Jul 2002 18:01 PDT |
Another excellent resource, if you want to invest the time, is CBC Radio 2, from Canada. If you live in a border state, you may be able to pick it up over the air. If not, you can listen in via RealPlayer at: http://www.cbc.ca/audio.html Pick a Canadian city that's close to you (or maybe one where you have relatives) and follow the links to listen in. There are many excellent progams on Radio 2 featuring different aspects of classical music, and the hosts are typically both knowledgeable and engaging. I've learned an awful lot over the years by tuning in! For a guide to the progamming, use this link: http://cbc.ca/radioguide/index.jsp Happy listening! |
Re: Learning classical music by listening
From: pinkfreud-ga on 27 Jul 2002 22:35 PDT |
Dear Weisstho, You needn't worry about having "pulled one over" on me. I am functioning as a lay commenter here while hoping that my application to be a researcher will be considered by The Powers That Goog. As for Chromedome, surely you can tell him to go paddle his own Canuck. ;-) ~pinkfreud |
Re: Learning classical music by listening
From: voila-ga on 28 Jul 2002 22:40 PDT |
Hi carolacassidy, I'll gladly share my classical links with you. You can check the recommends on these sites and find a pleasant earful. http://library.thinkquest.org/22673/index.html http://www.gramophone.co.uk/recrecordings.asp http://chopin.interserver.net Enjoy, V |
Re: Learning classical music by listening
From: gr8reed-ga on 10 Mar 2005 05:23 PST |
Many classical music ensembles have sound clips posted on their websites. For example, the Dorian Wind Quintet ( www.dorianwindquintet.org ), one of the world's oldest and well known American touring woodwind quintet chamber music ensembles has a 'sound clips' section at their website where you can listen to several examples of the wind quintet genre for free and determine if it is a style or sound that you might be interested in. If you are interested in chamber music, you might try Chamber Music America's website ( www.chamber-music.org ), where you will find links to other great chamber ensembles' websites. You could do the same for symphony orchestras (a simple google search should provide you the websites of hundreds of fine orchestras) as well as concert artist managements, who generally post links to their artists' websites. Happy listening!!!! |
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