Hi, drive2learn-ga:
The two big sellers at the top end of data modeling software are ERwin
and PowerDesigner. I've used both. I'll recommend PowerDesigner,
esp. since with the free trial version, you can find out if it meets
your needs. Pricing is very dependent on the particular packaging,
volume licensing, etc., so shop around for something better than the
list prices shown below.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[AllFusion ERwin DM (Data Modeler) r4.1.4 -- Computer Associates]
List price: $3,995 (Windows platform)
[IBC Standardizes on ERwin Data Modeler -- DMReview]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[Sybase PowerDesigner Developer 11.0]
List price: $2,995 (Windows platform)
Free trial version available.
[PowerDesigner -- DataModel.org]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
For a broad assortment of database modeling products, see here:
[Design Tools Section -- DataModel.org]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you were only interested in database diagramming, I'd recommend
Visio as "cheap and useful" as a friend describes it. PowerDesigner
is useful and pricy! Where ERwin and PowerDesigner distinguish
themselves is in schema generation from "logical models".
If I've not addressed your Question well, please post a Request for
Clarification and let me know where I seemed to lose the thread!
regards, mathtalk-ga |