I need help finding the title of a movie that was filmed probalby
between 1960-1985. Really I am not sure when it was filmed.
I am looking for it for a friend. He saw this movie in his country
(Bolivia)and it was an american movie, and it inspired him to come to
america and start a life.
The plot goes like this...A rich woman who owns a over the road truck
fleet marries a poor man and shares her business with him. He is in
love with another woman, she works for the trucking company.
The rich woman finds out about the girlfriend and confronts her. At
this time the girlfriend is pregnant, and refuses to give up the man.
The wife then committs suicide, I think by jumping off a cliff. The
police find her and notify the husband. They are unsure if it is
murder or suicide.
The man finds some paper at the girlfriends house showing that she had
met with the wife. He assumes she killed the wife, so he frames
himself, so that she would not go to jail.
He then fakes his own death so that he can run away and be with the girlfriend.
But one day while driving on the highway a few of the truck drivers
that are in the truck fleet spot him on the road. They then proceed
to block him in and run him off the road and kill him.
And in an ironic twist the girlfriend inherits the company because she
ran it for the rich lady before she died.
Please help me find the title to this movie. My friend now owns 45
trucks and has a fleet of his own, although I am not sure if he has
the same love troubles.
His birthday is on Feb 18th and I would love to give him this movie as
a gift. Please help. |