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Q: Which analogy best describes you and why? ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   40 Comments )
Subject: Which analogy best describes you and why?
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: silver777-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 19 Jan 2005 21:16 PST
Expires: 18 Feb 2005 21:16 PST
Question ID: 460233
Analogies or examples are often used to explain a new concept in a way
that can be understood by comparison to the familiar.

This can be applied to financial models, inventions, structures and theories.

What is your analogy of you and why? Common ideas include the
attributes of animals, vegetables and minerals as a comparison. ("He's
a snake/shark/worm/peanut/couch potato/diamond/gem").

Intangible concepts might suggest "enigma/loner/taker/giver/pushover".

What is your word for you and why?


ps ANY recompensed researcher is welcome to post ANY answer in order
to claim the token payment for this open-ended question.
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 19 Jan 2005 21:39 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello, Phil. 

What a lovely question! It inspires tendrils of thought that pry into
areas where thoughts may not usually go.

At the moment I am seeing myself in astronomical terms. Metaphorically
speaking, I am a moon. I have within myself no power of casting light.
I reflect the joy, glory, and energy of my Creator, and the better I
do this, the brighter I seem.



  I am a waning moon.
  As each dusk settles into night
  I know that, soon by soon,
  I lose a little light.

  Yet I shall not die today, 
  For there are things unfinished,
  Words left unsaid, orisons yet to pray,
  Joys still unshared and burdens undiminished.

  Some other tomorrow, 
  Or perhaps the day after,
  I may give way to sorrow
  And dim my hope, my laughter.

  I will live hour by hour, 
  And love life while I may.
  The future is beyond my power,
  But I shall not die today.


I look forward to seeing other responses to your thoughtful question.

Best wishes,

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 19 Jan 2005 22:09 PST
This is not an analogy, but for some reason I was reminded of it when
I began to think of your question. It involves highly condensed
thought (which is often the yummiest kind).

A few years ago, I was under consideration for a job with an
advertising agency. Among other things, the interviewer asked me this

"Describe your greatest need in exactly four words."

My answer: "I need more words."

I got the job.

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 22 Jan 2005 20:02 PST
A friend of mine read my answer. Her response: 

"So you're a moon, eh? I always did think you were a bit looney."
silver777-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 19 Jan 2005 22:06 PST

I'm a Euphorigenic Bold Italic (72 pt) - type.

Everybody says so.
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 19 Jan 2005 22:24 PST
Yes Bryan even you, in giving rise to a feeling of well being and
boldly so, in italics. Tell me, as your boldness is external, do your
italics remain within? Is the well being also internalised, or is it
out there for all to see and share? Your interpretation of your own
perception that is. My perception of same is not to be assumed. Your
reference to 72 point .. are you not more than another salutation to
words residing within a box that can be turned on and off at will?
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: am777-ga on 20 Jan 2005 01:23 PST
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: stressedmum-ga on 20 Jan 2005 02:05 PST
... a tennis racquet. Not very highly strung, but occasionally needs
to get a grip ... but only sometimes!

Well, it *is* the Aussie Open. (Go Lleyton; go Alicia!)

G'day Probo, long time no chat. (Glad you're not Helvetica, honey.)

By the by, can someone shed some light on what the deal is with all
these meaningless, gobbledegook questions that are appearing
elsewhere? Is it some kind of cyber graffiti?
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: nkamom-ga on 20 Jan 2005 05:23 PST
The "cyber grafitti is tiresome."  I have taken to sending them to the
Google editors with a request to check and invalidate the credit card.

As for analogies, consider me a bowl of microwave popcorn.  WIth four
kids, I am running around all day putting out fires, and putting stuff
away.  As the day draws to an end, I am not as energetic.
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: research_help-ga on 20 Jan 2005 06:05 PST
The responses so far seem to be metaphors. An analogy is something very different.
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: steph53-ga on 20 Jan 2005 06:09 PST
Great question Phil!

Me? I tend to see myself as a sieve....

I tend to strain all the bad stuff out and let only good things in :)

Good to see you again Stressedmum!! Where the heck have you been?

I'm also sick of "the cyber graffiti". You'd think the GA Honchos
would have found a way by now to stop this person from ever posting
here again.

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 20 Jan 2005 06:46 PST

Why reach for the moon when we have the stars?

Me, I?m just a plagiariser!

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Jan 2005 07:58 PST
Hello Norman 

Ze other question, she is locked.

Let?s hope we can be friends again?

BUT I've never taken ANYTHING amiss!

For many years I worked in under the umbrella of the
marketing department for a UK chemical giant.

I shall hazard a guess ...

If I am right they were très grand in France:

Ici Shell ... Ici Esso ... Until the Huntsmen got them ...

Au revoir

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 20 Jan 2005 11:02 PST
Hi all,

Thanks for your great responses so far. I hope to see lots more.

As for the 'graffiti' there seem to be four choices of approach.
Ignoring, commenting, answering or removing. I admit to having
commented on one or two with succinct words. Commenting may only serve
to encourage, yet ignoring doesn't appear to stop it either. Some have
been removed from time to time, yet more are posted. That leaves
answering as the alternative.

Answering 'graffiti' by way of simply defining the subject matter or
title would fall within the guidelines. I was reminded of this when I
willingly offered my two bucks to send a message without a question in
the content. Not a problem. Elsewise I would not have posted a message
if the two bucks was a concern.

This leaves one dilemma. Are kids using credit cards without
authority? To snap up the questions might be viewed as inconsiderate
in the least.

Then again, my own questions might be viewed as 'graffiti' by others.
Yet judging by the usual responses, I gather not.


Keep the ideas coming. You may be a sieve, a tennis racquet, even a
bold italic type or an authentic bowl of popcorn on the moon. What
else are you?

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 20 Jan 2005 11:06 PST
Almost right Bryan. I think because of my strange handle you keep
making the same mistake about me, so I will tell you that the only two
words of French I know are Capitaine and Formidable. Btw did you look
me up on the internet?

It was in fact ICI Mond Division (Heavy Chemicals). I worked on a
specialised oddity that came out of the Department of Bright Ideas
before I went it alone in ?84. They used to be a premier league team
at one time but now they would be lucky to get a game in the park.

See you on the next question Eupho.

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 20 Jan 2005 11:09 PST
>> I'm a Euphorigenic Bold Italic (72 pt) - type.

Bryan, does this make you a font of wisdom?
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Jan 2005 11:11 PST
Yes, Norman, I looked up CF on the i-net ... scary.

I also sent some feelers out to my friends in Antwerp.

There is no escape!
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: stressedmum-ga on 20 Jan 2005 17:52 PST
Hey Steph53, it's good to be back! (And thank you for your kind
comment on that other question.) As for where I've been, I feel as
though I've been to the dark side of the moon (suitably lunar,
pinkfreud? ;) because my dialup connection wouldn't connect me to any
secure site and I couldn't log on except on the rare occasion when I
happened to be online at a friend's place. So I've spent months with
my nose pressed up against the GA window (is *that* an analogy?) and
trying to put in my two bob's worth to no avail. I only discovered the
solution when my fax machine (which shares a phone line socket with my
modem) got zapped by lightning last week. I disconnected the fax and
got rid of it and now, my selfish modem has stopped sulking about
sharing and is finally doing its modem thang!
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: guzzi-ga on 20 Jan 2005 18:25 PST
Reptilian. Or by analogy, reptiles slow down in cold weather.
Coincidentally also the term an ex called me but I used to call her my
darling pipistrelle.

Now Phil, don?t you just know what I?m going to ask .......... and you?

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Jan 2005 21:53 PST
wow ... Did I hear that Stressed Mum was back?

THE Stressed Mum?

Welcome back!

Soon there will be more Ozzies than Brits in this here circus.

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: stressedmum-ga on 20 Jan 2005 22:45 PST
Aww, Probo, don't tell me you missed me! Yep, I'm back and delighted to be here.

How's Daisy?
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 20 Jan 2005 23:16 PST
Hi all,

I am simply honoured. Do you know what I like about this place the
most? The fact that when I post a question it's like: "let's go around
to Phil's place". It means a lot and says a lot about you lot. It's
like a party everytime. Keep it up guys, the door is always open to
all and sundry.

"Anyone need a top up" ?

StressedMum the Tennis Racquet .. a pleasure to read your words. Yet
another residing in God's own territory I am led to believe.

Guzzi .. I knew it. I just knew it! I'll get back to you with your inquiry.

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Jan 2005 23:58 PST
Hi, Again, Stressed Mum

Daisy fine ... and coming up to 15 in May!

Now, in DoggyLand, THAT is old.

I am wondering how much longer I can rely on her to pull my shopping trolley.

All the Best

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 21 Jan 2005 07:17 PST
Thanks Bryan,

I will get the ghost of Antigoon to stand in the Schelde and wait for
them (If you know the legend). I once knew a guy called Bryan who had
a dog called Daisy, I think it was a spaniel. He worked for a garden
centre in London but from your answer to Anne-Marie I don?t think it
can be you. Life is full of coincidences. Btw. I see you spell your
name the Welsh way, do you have any dragon blood in you. You know what
they say about the Welsh praying on their knees and on their

Pink, you reminded me of an interview story I haven?t thought about
for years. A young school leaver from the lowest level state school
was up for an apprenticeship. The interviewer asked him ?Young man,
what is your motto for life?? The young guy bounced it straight back
and said, ?It?s the same as yours?.
?Oh! and how do you know what mine is?.
?It was on the door when I came in, it said ?Push??.
Apparently, he got the job too.

Stressedmum, I am an old newby to ga but already I feel like part of
the family, here is a written handshake. Do you think our American
cousins know the value of ?two bob?? That would get you a lot of
sweets and a frozen Jubly!

Phil, I would be pleased to drop around to yours anytime. Have you
guys got some real beer in the fridge or are you still drinking that
fizzy sheep dip. I know, I?m a real pomie B. Just on that subject, I
know what the ?B?, stands for but do you know if the ?pomie? bit
stands for ?Pomegranate eaters?, it?s just something I heard?

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 21 Jan 2005 10:48 PST
>> but do you know if the ?pomie? bit stands for 
>> ?Pomegranate eaters?, it?s just something I heard?

Before someone pops in to give a fake etymology of this term, I wanted
to post this:

I am reminded of a witticism uttered by the inimitable (and greatly
missed) Tony Randall many years ago when he was a guest on "The
Tonight Show." Tony and Johnny Carson discussed the term "pom." Later
in the show, Tony was talking about the large number of Englishmen who
had moved to California, and he opined that most of them lived in "Pom
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 21 Jan 2005 11:14 PST
I like the story attributed to (I think) Spike Milligan on a visit to Oz.

He had to fill in an official form (for a visa maybe) which asked:

Have You any Criminal Convictions?

He answered 'I didn't know that it was still a requirement'.

And the story attributed to (I think) Peter Ustinov on a visit to the US:

Color of Skin:

He answered 'Pink'.

(Hey did you notice how I Americanised 'colour'?)
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 21 Jan 2005 11:18 PST
No, Norman ... No Welsh connections ...

Just Irish/Lincolnshire on my mother's side and all Lancashire on my dad's.
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 21 Jan 2005 11:44 PST
Thanks for the link and the story Pink. The URL has gone straight into
my archive of interesting links. I hadn?t checked this out before I
asked the question but the Urban Dictionary is no help at all however
the Word Detective confirms the rhyming slang version in the Snopes
First class.

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: schmooz-ga on 25 Jan 2005 11:22 PST
So YOU?RE the Moon
It?s really you Pink???
So much to ask you
I really must think!

The man in the moon
He could not stay?
He came for a visit 
Then he went away?

Is it true?
Are you blue?
Did a cow
  Jump over you?

Are you green?
And made of cheese?
If that?s true
  I?d like some please!

Do you watch
The lovers who,
Are parked in the cars
Looking at you?

So you are the moon
That glows so bright
Now that I know
I?ll really sleep tight!
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: stressedmum-ga on 25 Jan 2005 22:06 PST
Back again ... I'll have a shiraz thanks Phil ;) I heard you were
discussing the term "pommie" and thought this aussie sheila (although
originally a Pom from Lancashire -- crikey, Probo, maybe we're
related!) would throw in her two bob's worth about the origin of the
term. I was always told it had two derivations: one from the french
for apple, "pomme" for the rosy 'apple cheeks' of the pink skinned
Brits. And the other one comes from the acronym POME (Prisoner Of
Mother England)from Australia's days as a penal colony.

Been watching the tennis today? Alicia woz robbed! *sob*
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 25 Jan 2005 23:44 PST
Wow Stressed Mum I never realised that you were a Lancashire lass!

No wonder you are so switched on.

As an Oldhamer, may I enquire which part?

And please, please, please don't say Wigan.
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: stressedmum-ga on 26 Jan 2005 00:40 PST
Me Dad was from Gorton, me Mam was from Denton and the family lived in
Lytham for a while before catching a fast boat to Oz. But I was 4 at
the time so I've definitely lost the accent.
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Jan 2005 02:50 PST
Wow and Wow Again Stressed Mum

I used to work in Denton!

Lytham, of course, is VERY posh.

Every Lancastrian with a bit o' money lived there; the rest of us just
dreamt about it.

Here's an old Lancashire joke:

Where do the flies go in winter?

Through Denton to Hyde.

Hyde is next to Denton.


All the Best

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 26 Jan 2005 11:12 PST
Hi Stressed Mum,

You can?t be from Lancashire, you are still using the ?THE? word.

B.t.w. say hello to a ?Scouse?. We used to be part of Lancashire but
they gave us a county of our own (a bit like the bacteria that caught
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 26 Jan 2005 11:37 PST
Stressed Mum, 

Here is a groan joke.

Two guys were talking in a pub and one said ?My boy can speak Italian?
?How come? said the other, ?He has never been to Italy and he doesn?t
do it at school
?Dunno? said the first, ?But when he came home from school the other
day, he ran in the house and shouted ?Hey Mam im ere?.

Double groan.

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 26 Jan 2005 22:59 PST

Stressed Mum ..

Here's your Shiraz. Chateau Cardboard unfortunately. I cracked a Cab
Merlot if you care to sample a drop of that from the bottle instead.

Ahh the pomegranates and cumquats. Yes, I saved Bryan from spending
heaps on a whiz-bang electrified product. He seemed prepared to spend
several hundred quid on a machine to extract the juice from the fruits
of his choice. My $4 alternative was far more practical. Thanks for
your insight on the derivation of the term "Pom". Our resident
Capitaine alluded also to other meanings of the acronym "PB". I think

Your analogy of a tennis racquet fits perfectly with my visions of a
stressed mother. With 4 kids, I dips me lid to ya. I'm sure you also
adjudicate on "outs", "line balls" and "stepping over the line" as you
foster the needs of your children. No doubt you place your kids' needs
before your own. I hope that this sanctuary affords you some time out
just for you to escape the damands of reality, as it does me.

Yep, it's starting to sound like a chat site again. I am very aware. I
hope that the chat police may allow some continuation of well meaning
words, before our written down thoughts are deleted into oblivion.
Perhaps someone could suggest another haven.

In thought, Phil
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 26 Jan 2005 23:14 PST


The door is always open. I fear however that our "chats" maybe deleted
before long. Any ideas on where we might continue our
discussions/battles/thoughts or otherwise?

Yes I occasionally partake in the imbibing of sheep dip. Our best
beers come from Victoria. VB and Melbourne Bitter remain at the top of
the tree, as they have done for years. I understand that your beers
are served at around room temperature. I think the pomegranates have
confused ales with fine red wine.

The snags on the barbecue are burning, can you turn them over please?

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 26 Jan 2005 23:30 PST

Steph ..

I like your analogy of a sieve. Your bad bits must be smaller than
your good experiences, else all would fall through regardless of the
gauge of your net in catchment.

I could learn from that. No I HAVE learnt, I must use your analogy for
my own perceptions.

Grafitti .. we have commented on with little response. I think you are
right. Like your sieve, just let it fall through and move on.

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 26 Jan 2005 23:33 PST
Uh Oh .. I seemed to have confused a couple of salutations.
Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 26 Jan 2005 23:44 PST


Sounds like you can identify with Stressed Mum. (Hence my error with
the 4 kids comment). Microwaved Popcorn. Makes a lot of sense,
especially in putting out fires without notice and preparing a quick
snack for your multitude. I hope you too enjoy this sanctuary for a
bit of fun and learning just for you.

Grafitti again. I know, but am I not also just a grafitti artist also
in posting rhetorical questions I wonder?

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 27 Jan 2005 00:14 PST

Guzzi ..

Reptilian! To me that is an admirable quality. I too slow down in cold
weather and much prefer the heat. To refer to your ex lady as a bat
tells a lot. Surely not!

OK I owe you. You are the only person to have ever picked up on the
fact that someones own question should be thrown back at them. I like
the way you think. A bit like playing tennis perhaps. I have two

First is a cobra. Slowly approaching it's target, appearing and
disappearing unnoticed, mesmerising it's prey and quick to attack at
the last moment. Also silent in death so as not to endanger like
minded species toward the predator. A form of detached and
internalised pain to protect others from enduring the same fate. It
also serves to avoid alarming the enemies to the same danger, in the
hope that they will fall into the same trap.

The other is a greyhound. All p***k and ribs. Well, ribs anyway.
Underfed, lean, quick when required. On a merry-go-round chasing a
rabbit that will never be caught. But, the greyhound never gives up.

Enough me thinks.

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 27 Jan 2005 00:35 PST

Pink ..

" .. tendrils of thought .. where thoughts may not usually go .. "

" .. I reflect .. and the better I do this, the better I seem .. "

Are you aware of the etherial qualities of your words? Is all just an
illusion? Are we simply reflections of our experiences, through

I viewed our Moon just last night. Full it was. The silver coin near
filled the aperture. I thought of your words as I kept up with the
speed of the moon in focus. The moons of Jupiter and Saturn do the
same. I concluded that provided we reflect all that is good, we serve
our purpose in multiplying all that is good. Darkness can not be

Subject: Re: Which analogy best describes you and why?
From: silver777-ga on 27 Jan 2005 03:38 PST

Re the tennis. Wasn't Alicia having trouble serving? Hardly robbed! Or
was that some other good looking blonde? I can't recall the names or
faces, just the short skirts especially when the girls retrieve the
second ball. I always look forward to a first fault!  :)

Hewitt .. still a spoilt brat. 

I'm not suffering from tall poppy syndrome. I just have no club
allegiance, patriotic or otherwise. May the best person win. I support
anyone who does well, plays within the guidelines of the game and
affords the opponent a genuine handshake after the match.

Bring back Bjorn Borg I say. Cool, calm and accepted all calls. 5
straight wins, then retired.

Subject: Pink's link --- etymology of 'pom/my/mie'
From: videoga-ga on 28 Jan 2005 02:05 PST
The Cassell Dictionary of Slang by Jonathon Green is the best I know
of, and gives 'pomegranate / pommygranate / pommygrant' as three
versions of the full word that "rhymes" with 'immigrant'.

It also says that 'jimmy' or 'jimmy grant' was similarly used in Aus.,
N.Z. and S. Afr.

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