This may be of interest to you:
"Adelaide, Australia (Ananova):
Australia has formed its first 'smell bank'.
It includes the pongs of a shearing shed, the aroma of fine wine and
the whiff of cats' urine.
It has been created by Richard Gawel, a sensory scientist from
Adelaide who runs a company which holds the recipes for more than 200
He has already prepared smells for the National Wine Centre in
Adelaide, including distinctive aromas reminiscent of riesling,
chardonnay, shiraz and cabernet, as well as the smells of wines that
have gone off.
A sheep shearing museum wants him to recreate the smells of sheep's
urine, raw lanolin and tar for an interactive exhibit.
Mr Gawel, who runs Recognose Pty Ltd, said: "I have my raw materials.
I sit there and blend them up.
'I mix x with y and add a little bit of z. It takes 40 or 50 attempts
for me to work out a smell. It is much the same as the way a perfumer
In the case of sheep's urine, he discovered its unique smell mainly
comes from the chemical pyridine.
The most expensive smell he has had to produce was a $2,500 (£922)
essence of cat's urine, produced for an overseas kitty litter company
that wanted to be able to easily test its product.
'It sounds like I have a thing with urine but I only do what people
ask me to do,' Mr Gawel told the Sydney Morning Herald." |