The copyright is owned by the photographer, Tim Davis. The photo
agency Corbis administers the exclusive rights to this image.
"Penguin and chick
© Tim Davis/CORBIS
Photographer: Tim Davis
Date Photographed: March 22, 2002"
Corbis Stock Photography{daafa090-62de-4261-b43c-2d818d843301}|{ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff}&qsPageNo=2&fdid=&Area=Search&TotalCount=810&CurrentPos=20&WinID={daafa090-62de-4261-b43c-2d818d843301}
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Here you'll find Corbis's terms and conditions and links to other
useful pages related to licensing:
Cirbis: Terms and Conditions
For details about licensing, contact Corbis by telephone or email:
Corbis: Contact Us
My search strategy:
When I viewed the image at the EuroGraphics site, I recalled having
seen the same photo at Corbis. I searched the Corbis site using the
keywords "penguin" and "chick," and the Tim Davis photo was on the
second page of results.
I hope this is precisely what you need to know. If anything is
unclear, please request clarification; I'll gladly offer further
assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |