Dear labelah,
The artist Dispo the Younger was not very important, so it was not
easy to find at least a bit of information on him. But despite this, I
managed to collect this information which I hope will be useful for
The full name of the Dutch painter Dispo the Younger is George Jan
Dispo. He was born in the Dutch city Den Haag (The Hague) on 14 July
1922. His father was the landscape and city view painter Jacobus
Lambertus Dispo (born 10 March 1890 in Steenwijk, died 27 March 1964
in Den Haag).
George Jan Dispo received part of his artistic education from his
father, who had studied at the Koninklijke Academie voor Beeldende
Kunsten (Royal Academy for the Visual Arts) in Den Haag and was a
teacher at Groningen Art School. He also attended the Royal Academy
for the Visual Arts, as his father did.
Like his father, George Jan Dispo's principal subjects were city views
and landscapes. He died in Voorburg on 21 September 1973.
Here are some of George Jan Dispo's paintings:
City View of Delft, oil on canvas, 22 x 16 cm. Estimated value: 1100.00 Euros
Source: [1]
Dutch Town, oil on wood panel, 7 1/8" x 9 1/2". Estimated value: 100-200 Dollars
Source: [2]
Dutch Baroque Church, oil on wood panel, 29 1/2" x 39". Estimated
value: 100-200 Dollars
Source: [2]
Amsterdam's Tower, oil on canvas, 10" x 8". Sold for 230.00 Dollars
Source: [3]
Amsterdam's Church, oil on canvas, 10" x 8". Sold for 287.50 Dollars
Source: [3]
The Backside of the Zuiderkerk in Amsterdam, 25 x 30 cm. Estimated
value 225.00 Euros
Source: [5]
The Zuiderkerk in Amsterdam, 40 x 50 cm. Estimated value 345.00 Euros
Source: [5]
The Princehof in Delft, oil on canvas, 39 x 29 cm. Estimated value 1350.00 Euros
Source: [4]
Mock's City Views - Nederlandse stadsgezichten: G. J. Dispo
Dargate Auction Galleries: Auction Catalog - European Art
James D. Julia, Inc.: Samoste Auction 2004 - Day 1 Lots 1-246
MarktPlaza: Olieverfschilderij Delft
Schilderijen te koop
Mock's City Views - Nederlandse stadsgezichten: J. L. Dispo
Search terms used:
dispo dutch
dispo dutch
"jan dispo"
"g j dispo"
"j l dispo"
"george jan" dispo
"Jacobus Lambertus Dispo"
george jan dispo
"george jan" dispo
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