Goal: Trying to determine how many US residents turn 62 and 65 each *month*.
Have found data in Statistical Abstract of the United States (see
http://www.census.gov/prod/2004pubs/04statab/pop.pdf - Table 15) that
gives resident US population by age (1 year old, 2 years old, etc.).
Can then use this data to determine birth year cohorts.
Would like to do the same by month, but haven't had much luck Googling
and don't feel like wending way through detailed census files.
$5.00 for good link. |
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Jan 2005 18:02 PST
How's this?
"Baby Boomers are turning 50 at the rate of 10,000 per day. And
approximately 150,000 Americans turn 65 each month."
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Jan 2005 18:55 PST
Here's another:
"Every day, 5,574 Americans turn 65, said John Mlekush, marketing
consultant in Austin for the senior-products group of Wells Fargo, a
leading lender of reverse mortgages."
If 5,574 Americans turn 65 every day, then 167,220 would turn 65 in a 30-day month.
Would this meet your needs?
Clarification of Question by
21 Jan 2005 20:36 PST
I am not looking for a single "snapshot in time" answer - I would like
to have access to a data file/web page that will tell me how many US
residents will turn a given age (mostly social security related - thus
62 or 65 or 67 in the future) in a *given* future month.
In other words, how many residents will turn 62 in May 2005? August 2016? Etc.
So, the two "specific" responses given so far are really too general
for my purposes. I need more exact figures - which should vary by
The CDC link is closer - but I want a link to a specific page or data
engine that will generate my desired results. The CDC page is just a
mass of various links.
Something along the lines of the Statistical Abstract of the United
States page I gave would work - I just need it broken down by year and
*month* and just not year.
Hope this helps - Thanks for the efforts.
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Jan 2005 03:58 PST
The Census Bureau estimates that there will be 2,709,999 people in the
US aged 62 in the year 2006.
Presuming these folks turned 62 in 2005, then there are approximately
2,709,999 / 12= 225,833 people per month turning 62 at the present
The Census data include information on all ages up to 100, and provide
projections through to the year 2050. Additional breakouts are also
provided on gender and race.
Is this the sort of thing you're looking for, or do you need a precise
distribution of birthdays according to month?