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Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $5.00 |
22 Jan 2005 03:06 PST
Expires: 21 Feb 2005 03:06 PST Question ID: 461427 |
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Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
Answered By: markj-ga on 23 Jan 2005 05:29 PST Rated: ![]() |
Bryan -- Thanks again for the opportunity of posting an answer to your question. Rather than repost here all of the information that posted previously by me and others, here is a list of the names that have been mentioned: Al Jolson Scott Joplin Bix Beiderbecke Gus Edwards Ben Bernie Percy Grainger (with Hollywood being broadly defined) Paul Dresser Joe Howard Billy Rose Woody Guthrie Hank Williams Jimmie Davis AND Michael Jackson The list could be lengthened if we included jazz musicians like Charlie Parker, who "invented" improvisations that evolved into jazz standards (his biopic was Clint Eastwoods's "Bird"), but I think I have pushed the limits beyond your original intent already |
rated this answer:![]() Markj You are a marvel! Many thanks for enlarging my original list so admirably. If you would like to borrow the book that Pink is getting for me, please say. All the Best Bryan |
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Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: markj-ga on 22 Jan 2005 06:28 PST |
probonopublico -- You've done a through job of covering the territory. I do have one more nominee who, I think, should definitely be on your list, along with four more whose credentials might or might not meet your definition of a biopic or "songwriting," or both. In my view, the one who should definitely be included on your list is Al Jolson. His limited but enormously popular output of songs included "Avalon," "Back in Your Own Back Yard," "California, Here I Come," and many others. His biopic, of course, was "The Jolson Story" (1946): IMDb: "The Jolson Story" (1946) http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0038661/ Here's a link to Jolson's bio: Musicals 101: Al Jolson http://www.musicals101.com/jolsonbio.htm The first of my remaining four candidates is Scott Joplin. The problem with Joplin is that one can quibble about whether his immortal instrumental rags count as "songs." His biopic, which seems to clearly fit the definition, was "Scott Joplin": IMDb: "Scott Joplin" (1977) http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0076674/ Here's a link to Joplin's bio: W.W. Norton: Scott Joplin http://www.wwnorton.com/classical/composers/joplin.htm My next candidate is Bix Beiderbecke. Your problems with Bix might be that he is primarily remembered as a performer and, like Joplin, his best-known compositions were written for the piano. His biopic qualification is clear, however: IMDb: Bix (1991) http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0101460/ The next possibility is Gus Edwards. Edwards was a prolific composer of early 20th century classics like "In My Merry Oldsmobile," "School Days," and "By the Light of the Silvery Moon": MP3.com: Gus Edwards http://www.mp3.com/gus-edwards/artists/300295/biography.html However, it is unclear whether the movie loosely based on his life qualifies as a "biopic," because it does not purport to be strictly biographical, and Edwards is not even portrayed in the film: IMDb: "The Star Maker" (1939) http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0031974/?fr=c2l0ZT1kZnxteD0yMHxzZz0xfGxtPTIwMHx0dD1vbnxwbj0wfHE9c3RhciBtYWtlcnxodG1sPTF8bm09b24_;fc=3;ft=21;fm=1 My final candidate is Ben Bernie. Bernie's problem is that he was a famous and colorful bandleader in the radio days, but was only incidentally a songwriter. He is credited with the authorship of the classic "Sweet Georgia Brown," but he may have been the beneficiary of the credit as consideration for featuring the song with his band on the radio (a not uncommon practice). He is also credited with some other not especially memorable songs. British Telecommunications: Ben Bernie http://www.btinternet.com/~dreklind/threetwo/bernie.htm The movie about Bernie that may or may qualify in your eyes as a biopic is focused on one famous episode in his career, his supposed feud with Walter Winchell, and it stars Bernie and Winchell themselves: IMDb: "Wake Up And Live" http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0029744/ You have chanced upon one of my favorite subjects (pre-WW II American popular music), and I will do some more thinking and looking later, but I wanted to get these suggestions before you this morning. markj-ga |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Jan 2005 07:55 PST |
Hi, Markj Great stuff! I almost addressed the question to you because I admire your expertise in this area (among others). I only hesitated because I wasn't sure whether or not you peeped in regularly. The only doubt in my mind is Al Jolson. True his name appears on many a songsheet but my understanding was that he made no contribution other than putting the song over. And songsmiths sometimes placated his ego and sweetened his purse by sharing their royalties with him. Jolson apparently didn't invent this wheeze and you may recall that in 'Swanee River' E.P.Christie (played by Jolson) demanded a share of Stephen Foster's royalties. Incidentally, I received a copy of Gaby Deslys's biography this morning and apparently Jolson treated her very shabbily because she topped the bill and got a huge paycheck. I didn't know biopics had been made about the others. In fact, I hadn't even heard of Ben Bernie. I am now looking forward to your Answer and any further names you can conjure up. Bryan |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: markj-ga on 22 Jan 2005 08:55 PST |
Bryan -- Thanks for your comment. Since you apparently are comfortable about a reasonable broad definition of "songwriter" and "biopic," I will eagerly look around for some more examples over the next few days. Re Jolson, I am not an expert on his life and business practices, but I certainly should have mentioned the caveat about questionable co-writer attributions to him, certainly as to "California, Here I Come." While the whole truth may never be known, songwriting credit-for-performance was common, and Jolson may have made some contribution to the lyric or melody in some or most cases where he gets credit -- or not. markj-ga |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: markj-ga on 22 Jan 2005 10:55 PST |
Bryan: I demand credit for Sousa! I just returned to the thread to post the information. Darn! 13 operettas and 70 songs. http://www.dws.org/sousa/works.htm markj-ga |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: pinkfreud-ga on 22 Jan 2005 11:07 PST |
Bryan, This book might be of interest to you: "COMPOSERS IN THE MOVIES STUDIES IN MUSICAL BIOGRAPHY... Movie biographies--or biopics--have depicted composers as diverse as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, George M. Cohan, Stephen Foster, and George Gershwin. In this enticing book, the first devoted entirely to such films, John C. Tibbetts surveys different styles and periods from the Hollywood of the 1920s and 1930s to the international cinema of today, exploring the role that film biographies play in our understanding of history and culture. Tibbetts delves into such questions as: How historically accurate are composer biopics? How and why have inaccuracies and distortions been perpetrated? What strategies have been used to represent visually the creative process? The book examines the films in several contexts and considers their role in commodifying and popularizing music. Extensive archival research, dozens of illustrations, and numerous interviews make this an appealing book for film and music enthusiasts at all levels." http://yalepress.yale.edu/YupBooks/viewbook.asp?isbn=0300106742 |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: markj-ga on 22 Jan 2005 11:11 PST |
Bryan -- How about Percy Grainger? Although he was born in Australia in 1882 and lived in London from 1901 to 1914, he became an American citizen and lived in the U.S. from 1914 until his death in 1961. Among his output of 1200 compositions and arrangements were many songs: Bardic-Music: Percy Grainger Compositions and Arrangements http://www.bardic-music.com/pgcat.htm U. of Melbourne: Percy Grainger http://www.lib.unimelb.edu.au/collections/grainger/people/grainger.circle/percy.grainger/percy.grainger.html However, the biopic was made in Australia: IMDb: Passion (1999) http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0148583/ markj-ga |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: efn-ga on 22 Jan 2005 11:45 PST |
Here's another one, just in case markj didn't happen to turn it up on his own: Paul Dresser (1858-1906) http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0886856.html "My Gal Sal" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0035103/ --efn |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: pinkfreud-ga on 22 Jan 2005 13:22 PST |
"I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now (1947) A biopic of the career of Joe Howard (12 Feb.,1878 - 19 May, 1961), famous songwriter of the early 20th Century. Howard wrote the title song, Goodbye, My Lady Love; and Hello, My Baby among many others." http://imdb.com/title/tt0039483/plotsummary |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: markj-ga on 22 Jan 2005 15:59 PST |
Bryan -- I'm going to wrap this up for today with four more suggestions: The first one is Billy Rose. There is no doubt that Rose qualifies as a songwriter (lyricist), although he may be best known today as a producer. Here is a link to some biographical information: Songwriters Hall Of Fame: Billy Rose http://www.songwritershalloffame.org/exhibit_home_page.asp?exhibitId=307 As for a biopic, one notorious period in his life -- his "stormy relationship" with Fannie Brice -- was the subject of the sequel to "Funny Girl" titled "Funny Lady": IMDb: Funny Lady http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0073026/ My last three suggestions for now are legendary folk or country singers/songwriters, all of whom wrote immensely popular songs that have become American standards. Woody Guthrie is probably best known today for his anthem "This Land Is Your Land," but he wrote dozens of other songs that have been continuously performed and recorded by country and folk artists: Woody Guthrie http://www.woodyguthrie.org/biography.htm His biopic was "Bound For Glory": IMDb: Bound For Glory (1976) http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0074235/ My next candidate is Hank Williams: "But Williams' songs went where he couldn't, and from 1951 onward, there was a rush to reinterpret them for the pop market. Ironically, those pop versions, which comfortably outsold Williams' originals in the early Fifties, now sound over-ornamented and outdated, while Williams' spare and haunting versions sound ageless." PBS: American Masters: Hank Williams http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/database/williams_h.html His biopic was "Your Cheatin' Heart": IMDb: Your Cheatin' Heart" (1964) http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0058765/ My sentimental favorite for your list is Jimmie Davis, legendary country singer, two-time governor of Louisiana and centenarian plus one at his death in 2000. Although wrote many now-obscure, often risque songs ("Bearcat Mama," for example), he will always be remembered for "You Are My Sunshine," which has been recorded by 350 artists since it was written in 1940: Peer Music: Jimmie Davis http://www.peermusic.com/artistpage/Jimmie_Davis.html Not that "You Are My Sunshine" is a great song. Here is a short excerpt from my favorite reference source for detailed obscure information and opinion about pre-WW II American popular song: "In violent contrast was the deliberately 'corny' 'You Are My Sunshine' (1940) by Jas. H. ('Jimmie') Davis and Charles Mitchell, which served the former as a campaign song to win him the Governorship of Louisiana. It was a blatant imitation of the cheaper kind of hill-billy music, but for some reason a great many people liked it, possibly because it was so easy to sing. (It actually echoed the folk-song, 'Jack o'Diamonds,' quoted by Avery Robinson in his otherwise original 'Water Boy.')" ("A History of Popular Music In America," by Sigmund Spaeth (Random House, New York, 1948), at p. 534) Jimmie Davis's obscure biopic, starring Davis himself was called "Louisiana" and was produced in 1947, after his first term as governor of that state: IMDb: Louisiana http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0039584/ markj-ga |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: efn-ga on 22 Jan 2005 21:17 PST |
Then there's Michael Jackson, if TV movies count. Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story http://www.vh1.com/shows/dyn/man_in_the_mirror/series.jhtml |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Jan 2005 21:59 PST |
Wow... Many thanks one and all! I did consider Billy Rose but 'Funny Lady' was decidedly a further biopic of Fanny Brice in which he had largely a walk on part. Rose was in fact an interesting man who deserved better but that's showbiz. (I believe that he worked for Bernard Baruch in his younger days.) I would say Rose is a maybe. The others ... YES Paul Dresser for sure ... I'd forgotten all about him. Never heard of Joe Howard but he sure looks good. I never knew that Percy Grainger became an American but that proves that nobody's perfect. I WAS going to give Markj an honorary credit for belatedly acknowledging Sousa but sadly he's blown it by suggesting that Australia is a suburb of Hollywood. I suspect that Markj is yet another Hollywood scriptwriter. Very many thanks to Pink for your kind offer to buy me a book. I shall see if I can get a copy and you can send me a PayGal in the usual way. Oh yes ... Michael Jackson. Haven't heard much of him since he married Catherine Zit Jones. He is certainly avoiding publicity these days. I am now ready to hand out a bucketful of stars ... when you are ready! Bryan |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Jan 2005 22:50 PST |
Hi, Pink I now find that 'Composers in the Movies: Studies in Musical Biography' by John Tibbetts is not published until May 11, 2005. And it will come in at a whacking $45! If we request Priority International Courier from Amazon.com the shipping cost will be a further $35.98. Thank you ever so much for your generosity. It is much appreciated. Bryan |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: markj-ga on 23 Jan 2005 06:25 PST |
Bryan -- Thanks for the kind words, the stars and the generous tip. I see that the last paragraph of my answer never got posted for some reason. As I recall, it went something like this: "Search Strategy: I started with the inefficient (but fun) strategy of racking my brain for likely biopic candidates, checking them out with IMDb search tools, and then doing the same with names gleaned from scanning the unbelievably detailed index of Sigmund Spaeth's book. I'd like to think that I would have come up with Dresser this way, but I'm not so sure I would have thought of Joe Howard. After Ms. Freud mentioned him, I looked him up in Spaeth's book, where he tells us as Howard was associated with Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe at least well into the 1940s and that one Harold Orbob [who?] was suspected as having 'something to do' with the writing of "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now." markj-ga |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Jan 2005 10:40 PST |
So why did nobody mention: The Great Victor Herbert (1939)? |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: markj-ga on 23 Jan 2005 16:16 PST |
I took (too) seriously the user comments at IMDb that the movie did not even resemble a biography of Herbert, but just used his music as a plotting device: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0031393/usercomments By the time I got through stretching the definition of "Hollywood biopic" to include an Australian production, I had plumb forgotten about it. I should certainly have mentioned it. |
Re: Hollywood Biopics of American Songsmiths
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Jan 2005 22:08 PST |
Hi, Markj Are any remotely near the truth? When I get Pink's book, I hope to find out! Diarise May 2005 ... Bryan |
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