I am looking for a comprehensive listing of Canada-related festivals
in the United States, such as Canada Days, Canada Weeks, Canadian
Friendship weeks and Canada-US frienship days. Anecdotally, I am
aware of a few such as a Canadian Friendship Week in Ellicottville,
NY, or a Canada Day in Harrisburg, PA. I have heard of others in
places such as Oregon. There will be more of these sorts of events in
border states, but the answer needs to show evidence of research in
all fifty states.
What I would like is a state-by-state listing of these sorts of
events. Each listing should contain a reference, either a web link,
or newspaper article, or other supporting information as well as the
date and frequency of the event.
For example, what I am looking for is something like this (all
examples below are fictitious and are for illustrative purposes only):
Canada-US winter frienship festival
Held every two years during the last weekend of February
Canadian Friendship Day
Annual - July 1
http://www.chicagotourismboardcanada.com |
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Feb 2005 07:48 PST
Hi theopolis,
I'm sorry to see that your question hasn't been answered yet.
Researchers are often reluctant to work on questions which include the
words "all" or "comprehensive" because one can never be 100% certain
when all of something has been found. Also, even though $200 ($150
for the researcher) is generous, in practical terms you are asking
someone to do a comprehensive search of all fifty states at a rate of
$3.00 per state (it's possible that many states may require an hour or
more of research). I'm just mentioning this to give you possible
reasons why your question hasn't been answered yet.
That said, I was wondering if you would be interested in receiving
"just a list" (not "comprehensive list") of Canadian/American
festivals, and if so, about how many festivals would you be happy with
for your current listed price? If that number can't be found, would
you be interested in reducing the price for a shorter list?
I'll look forward to hearing from you,