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Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $2.00 |
22 Jan 2005 22:17 PST
Expires: 21 Feb 2005 22:17 PST Question ID: 461836 |
I am trying to arrange a duel somewhere in a place that's convenient to the UK, Belgium and Holland. Naturally, neither participant nor the organisers want to break any laws, so please suggest some suitable venues. Also please advise on disposal of remains, etiquette, costume, etc., etc. And if one party is injured should he/she be given a coup de grace ... Or what? This is urgent! Thanks. |
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Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
Answered By: thx1138-ga on 23 Jan 2005 06:20 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hello Bryan, Fencing is really great fun, you should give it a go. It just so happens that there is a club not too far from you.. "Brighton and Hove Fencing Club (B & H.F.C.)" Meet for practice on Thursdays 7.45 - 10.00pm at St.Mary's Church Hall, Surrenden Road, off Preston Drove, Brighton. Professional coaching at all levels, all equipment provided. You need to wear trainers and loose, comfortable top and trousers. Open to all over 12 years of age. Matches and competitions at all standards and weapons (foil, epee, sabre). Special courses for beginners. There is a small charge per session." http://www.escis.org.uk/Details.asp?s=&id=13907&count=1&findall=-1&srchfld=0&adv=0&em=0 Also see: "Duelling stories of the 16thC - From the French of Brantome" http://www.zip.com.au/~zebee/duels.html and: "The Complete Newgate Calendar Volume V APPENDIX TRIAL BY BATTLE" http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/lpop/etext/newgate5/appendv5.htm Thank you very much for the question and allowing me to answer it. Very best regards THX1138 Search strategy included... fencing accounts ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&as_qdr=all&q=fencing+accounts (MI6 still haven`t been in contact) | |
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rated this answer:![]() Hi, thx Many thanks for your great answer & comments. Somehow I can't see myself swashing a merry blade but I enjoyed the reading matter. Possibly a swordstick? Now that 'certain people' know that you know how to take care of yourself, contact will be made. But are you sure that you are frequenting a sleazy enough bar? All the Best Bryan |
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Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: am777-ga on 23 Jan 2005 01:34 PST |
Dear Bryan, Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to answer your interesting question. Below you will find that I have carefully defined my search strategy for you in the event that you need to search for more information. By following the same type of searches that I did you may be able to enhance the research I have provided even further. I hope you find that my research exceeds your expectations. If you have any questions about my research please post a clarification request. Best regards; Maid Marian http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&q=+site%3Awww.costumeuniverse.com++robin+hood&btnG=Search http://www.londonengarde.com/duelrul.htm http://www.gov.im/ http://www.uitvaart.nl/index.php?s_page_id=73&catid=Z&woordid=141 http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=coup%20de%20grace defenitely !!!! http://www.meaningoflife.i12.com/Afterlife.htm |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: fp-ga on 23 Jan 2005 01:44 PST |
Well, I do hope it's not too late: "Dueling has been replaced, in modern times, with other sports and games that are generally much safer than dueling itself": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duel |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: silver777-ga on 23 Jan 2005 03:02 PST |
Sir Bryan, Maid Marian, Capitaine Formidable The Isle of Man does seem appropriate given the circumstance of dishonour. How admirable to see you approaching a duel with such gusto Maid Marian. Might Waterloo or even Antwerpen, Belgium also be appropriate? It must be illegal almost anywhere. Dispense with the laws and go out in style? Swords, pistols or banjos? Duelling banjos just as painful as bullets are outlawed worldwide except in a small part of America where both country AND western "music" continue. A trip to the States would be out of the question. Pistols are too .. quick. Not much entertainment for the onlooking commoners. Swords, daggers, rapiers even. Brushcutters, chainsaws and a cement mixer will add much colour to the show. The arena will be filled with mud. Maid Marian will wear the obligatory g-string brief and loosely knitted chainmail boob tube. Capitaine can wear what he likes. Rules: No Coup de grace. Each will have 9 "seconds". Upon first blood, a loser will be replaced. The loser will then be known as a 10 percenter! Etiquette .. no double dipping. Tickets available through me. Pensioner and family discounts apply. 20% of proceeds to the restoration of Hamlet Hove upon Sussex. Let the games begin. Sir Philanderer |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: thx1138-ga on 23 Jan 2005 04:30 PST |
Bryan, It`s not on your list, and it`s a bit out of the way but how about Paraguay? "Duelling is legal in Paraguay if both parties are registered blood donors." http://www.blood.co.uk/visually_impaired/vi_secrets_in_blood.html Just before Christmas I tore my right calf muscle fencing, hurt like hell! So warm up properly first. Very best regards THX1138 |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 23 Jan 2005 04:54 PST |
The only thing that bothers me about this duel is that since neither Anne-Marie nor me, challenged each other directly, then technically which one us is the injured party. According to the rules, it is the one who is challenged that has the choice of weapons. For the moment balloons on sticks seems to be on the cards but chain saws and concrete mixers also seems to be an interesting possibility. One of us could finish up holding up a bridge on a new motorway extension. Lending support on a public foundation must surely be a worthwhile cause. Your noble capitaine. |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: thx1138-ga on 23 Jan 2005 05:35 PST |
For rules and guidlines see.... "A morally acceptable duel would start with the challenger issuing a traditional, public, personal grievance, based on an insult, directly to the single person who offended the challenger. The challenged person had the choice of a public apology or other restitution, or choosing the weapons for the duel. The challenger would then propose a place for the "field of honour". The challenged man had to either accept the site or propose an alternate. The location had to be a place where the opponents could duel without being arrested. It was common for the guardia to set aside such places and times and spread the information, so "honest people can avoid unpatrolled places." At the field of honour, each side would bring a doctor and seconds. The seconds would try to reconcile the parties by acting as go-betweens to attempt to settle the dispute with an apology or restitution. If reconciliation succeeded, all parties considered the dispute to be honourably settled, and went home. Each side would have at least one second; three was the traditional number. If one party failed to appear, he was accounted a coward. The appearing party would win by default. The seconds and sometimes the doctor would bear witness of the cowardice. If reconciliation failed, the seconds would help their friend prepare for the duel, and keep alert for cheating and the authorities. Cheaters would be shot, usually out of hand. Honourable seconds sometimes shot their own friend if they found him cheating. Swords were the typical weapon of the time, although guns and more unusual items were selected. The two parties would start on opposite sides of a square twenty paces wide. Usually the square was marked at the corners with dropped handkerchiefs. Leaving the square was accounted cowardice. The opponents agreed to duel to an agreed condition. While many modern accounts dwell heavily on "first blood" as the condition, manuals of honour from the day universally deride the practice as dishonourable and unmanly. Far more common was a duel until either one party was physically unable to fight or the physician called a halt. While explicit duels to the death were rare, many duels ended in death of one or both combatants because of the wounds sustained. When the condition was achieved, the matter was considered settled with the winner proving his point and the loser keeping his reputation for courage." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_duello Out of personal curiosity I once researched what specific act of parliament made duelling in England illegal. I couldn`t actually find one! There are lots of references to "duelling being made illegal in the 19the century" etc but no hard piece of legislation (that I could find) At the end of my fencing evenings my fencing partner (who also happens to be my boss!) and I have a great game "Sabre sem regras" (Sabre with no rules) It quite gets the adrenalin going and makes you realise that fighting a duel is not like in the films ie.lots of clashing blades, it tends to be alot of footwork and sudden very violent short clashes often with an almost simultaneous double touch (ie.you hit each other almost simultaneously) and it is left up to honour to decide who hit first. (In actual duelling accounts it is reported that very often both parties were wounded.) Very best regards. THX1138 |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Jan 2005 05:41 PST |
Anne-Marie ... What a nice surprise hearing from you again. And you provided the (almost) perfect answer ... Indeedy, I was on the point of asking you to post your answer and pick up $100 tip when ... I saw Freddy's tour de force and Phil's upside down as usual (it does so strain the eyes) but then ... The Mighty THX138, dripping in Blue, arrived on the scene with the exciting news about Paraguay! Of course, that rogue Capitaine from the French Foreign Legion had to introduce COMPLICATIONS. When the time comes, Anne-Marie, I shall be rooting for you in Paraguay. Hasta la Vista Bryan aka Beau Geste |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Jan 2005 05:45 PST |
THX1138 ... What can I say except ... En garde! I never realised that you were a swashbuckling type. You fully deserve the bucketful of stars that I had provisionally put on one side for Anne-Marie, so please post your answer. Obrigado Bryan |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: fp-ga on 23 Jan 2005 06:27 PST |
"Duels and Dueling on the Web, a comprehensive guide and web directory to pistol and sword dueling in history, literature and film": http://www.isidore-of-seville.com/dueling/index.html Unfortunately, no date mentioned in these accounts of the last duel in England: "Th UK's last duel was fought with pistols in the field half way down Priest Hill on the right hand side. The loser was then taken to The Barley Mow pub on the village green where he expired": http://www.harbenlets.co.uk/inthearea.html "Frederick Cournet ...was the last man to die in England in a duel - which is ironic, since he was a Frenchman. His opponent, a man named Bartholmy, was also French": http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/youmeus/beyondthepostcard/windsor3.shtml This last duel took place near Englefield Green and Egham. Well, Englefield Green and Egham are among the "1000 Places to see Before you Die" according to: http://answers.google.com/answers/search?q=%221000+Places+to+see+Before+you+Die%22+probonopublico-ga+egham+%22englefield+green%22 |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: answerfinder-ga on 23 Jan 2005 07:26 PST |
Bryan, Fp-ga?s useful piece of information has led me to discover a tangled web of deceit and murder. This tale should certainly warn you against entering into a duel involving pistols. I researched Frederick Cournet?s role in this reported last duel and discovered he was murdered in a duel in October 1852 at Egham. His opponent was one Emanuel Bartélémy. His trial took place at the Kingston Crown Court in the following year. He was charged with three other Frenchmen who had assisted as seconds and aided Bartelemy?s flight. Being all Frenchmen, they pleaded ignorance of the English law against duelling and pleaded not guilty before the court. The prosecution stated that only one pistol had been fired: Bartelemy?s; they then alleged that upon on examination by the police, Bartelemy?s pistol was found to contain a small piece of rag which prevented it firing. Unfair play was indeed suspected, but they were unable to prove that it had been placed there deliberately. They were all convicted of Manslaughter and because of their ignorance of English Law, they were sentenced to 7 months imprisonment. Later newspaper reports hinted at spying and other dastardly activities by the convicted men. So beware. Source: Times Newspaper answerfinder-ga |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Jan 2005 08:09 PST |
Hi, Freddy & AF It gets even more interesting! I have decided to stay in the background and but if necessary to plead ignorance of the law, citing the precedents that you have established. And I shall pretend to be French (worth knowing!) Ooh là là Bryan |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: thx1138-ga on 23 Jan 2005 08:18 PST |
Hello again Bryan, Just a note to say thank you for the five stars and generous tip! Oh I know some fairly sleazy bars! I`ll just keep scouting them out... Cheers THX1138 |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 23 Jan 2005 09:39 PST |
The Paraguay reference is both interesting and strange at the same time. Why is it necessary for the combatants to be registered blood donors, since a party that is injured is more likely to require blood than donate it and if one of them is dead then how are they going to get it out? Maybe you have to contribute to the pool, so to speak, before you are allowed to take any out. Yes,Paraguay sounds about right? Yr. Noble Capitaine. |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 23 Jan 2005 10:55 PST |
I?ve just noticed I have just posted the thirteenth comment, not good. I will just post this to take the dubious (loosing) line off the screen. I am not superstitious but one can?t be too careful. Capitaine F |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 24 Jan 2005 04:13 PST |
Capitaine Formidable, (see internet) is one of the class of people who is already dead. It is imperative that an independent observer, perhaps thx1138-ga, or others, can interoperate the rules for someone who has already passed over to the great divide, returning to earthly form in order to fight a duel. One thing for certain is that I can?t be killed twice. Having said that, I wouldn?t want anybody to think that this was some yellow bellied; chicken livered hornswaggeling; wriggeling on the hook, cheap cowardly trick to try and get out of it. No siree! And I wouldn?t want the indignity of having my own seconds trying to shoot me for cheating (not that it would have much effect). The thought of seeing my worthy and honourable opponent clad only in a G-string and loosely fitting chain mail chemise is worth a return to more solid form and I certainly wouldn?t want to deprive her of the satisfaction which is her due. Het veld van honoreren moeten altijd gelijk blijven. As we sometimes say in het Nederlands. I await your advice with anticipation. Your honourable Capitaine Formidable. |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 28 Jan 2005 10:25 PST |
Pssst, Bryan et al., the action is now over at #464133, waiting upon your presence. I responded to the call to my name there without having seen any of this and was quite bewildered. But now it makes, uh, ... actually, about as much sense as it did before. I'm having to make up words, and Phil has kind of tossed his into a bucket with some molasses, bubble soap, and ordinary garden gravel and is pouring out fairly indiscriminately. But anyway, don't miss the action--and hurry, before Phil runs out of hot dogs! Tryx P.S. Are am777 and silver777 related? They have the same last name. |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: silver777-ga on 28 Jan 2005 17:36 PST |
Your Highness, As ticket seller self imposed, I have organised the venue for your indulgence. The stadium is filled. The support group is in place. Catering remains adequate for the moment. But, words of entertainment have become depleted. Your reknowned wit is all that is required to keep the subjects from revolting. Some are gathering missiles of gourds as we speak. Your loyal subjects await you. Phil |
Re: Duelling Regulations - Europe or where?
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 28 Jan 2005 19:44 PST |
Isn't one of the principals missing? |
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