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Q: List of spanish words ending in "ca." ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: List of spanish words ending in "ca."
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Asked by: justins-ga
List Price: $45.00
Posted: 23 Jan 2005 13:10 PST
Expires: 22 Feb 2005 13:10 PST
Question ID: 462088
I am looking for a list of Spanish words ending with "ca" along with
definitions if possible (but not required).  The list should include
all words commonly known and used, but does not need to include
scientific or archaic words.  The idea is that a native Spanish
speaker with a high-school education would know the word without
having to look it up.  Thank you.

Request for Question Clarification by bobbie7-ga on 23 Jan 2005 15:24 PST
Hi Justins!

How many words are you expecting as a satisfactory answer to your question?


Request for Question Clarification by bobbie7-ga on 23 Jan 2005 19:33 PST
Hello again Justins!

I made a list of 95 Spanish words that end in ?ca?. Beside each word
is the English translation.

Would this list be an acceptable answer to your question?


Clarification of Question by justins-ga on 23 Jan 2005 19:36 PST
That sounds great to me.  Thank you.  Justin.
Subject: Re: List of spanish words ending in "ca."
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 23 Jan 2005 20:04 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Dear Justins,

Thank you for your clarification.

I assembled a  list of 95 Spanish words that end in ?CA?. Beside each
word is the English translation.

acá -  over here 
acrílica - acrylic
acústica - acoustic 
aerodinámica - aerodynamics 
aeronáutica - aeronautics 
África - Africa 
albahaca - sweet basil
alharaca -  clamor; fuss; ado
América - America 
analítica - analitical 
armónica - harmonica 
automática - automatic 
azteca -  aztec
balística  -  ballistics 
banca - stool 
barraca -  cabin hut shed
bataca - drums 
beca -  gown, fellowship; scholarship
Bélgica - Belgium
biblioteca - library 
boca - mouth 
broca - bit , drill
bronca - problem 
butaca -  armchair; easy chair, orchestra seat
característica - characteristic 
casaca - dress coat
cerámica - ceramic 
cerca -  fence, close 
chica - little girl,
cloaca -  sewer,
clueca - brooder
cómica - comedian
crónica  -  chronic, chronicle 	
discoteca - place where music is dance to
económica -  economics 	
eléctrica - electrical 	
espinaca -  spinach	
estaca - stake 	
estadística - statistics 	
estética - aesthetics 	
fábrica  - factory	
foca - seal 	
gramática - grammar 	
hamaca -  hammock, 	
indica - indicates 	
industria siderúrgica - steel industry 	
informática - computer science 	
Jamaica - Jamaica	
jaqueca -  headache
laca -  shellac, hair spray
laico, laica -  laic
lava volcanica - magma 
lógica  - logic 
macrodinamica - macrodynamic 
manteca -  lard, butter, pomade
marca - brand 
matemática - mathematics 
matraca -  noisemaker; wooden rattle, jest, nuisance
matraca  - ratchet 
mazorca -  Ear of corn
meca -  mecca, 
médica - woman doctor,
metafísica - metaphysics 
metafísica - metaphysics 
metálica - metalic
mueca - face 
muñeca ? wrist,doll
música - music 
neumática - pneumatics 
nuca - nape, back of neck
pacifica -  pacifies 
pastinaca - sting ray, parsnip
peca -  freckle
peluca - wig 
petaca -  cigar case, tobacco pouch
placa -  plaque, badge, plate, licence plates
poética - poetical 
polémica  - controversy 
política - policy 
predica - preaches 
química  - chemistry, chemical
quiropráctica - chiropractic 
radioquímica - radiochemistry 
república - republic
resaca -  undertow, surf, hangover
rosca - thread 
seca - dry season,
táctica - tactic 
técnica ? method, technique
temática - thematic 
trágica -  tragic
urraca - n. magpie
vaca - cow 
ventisca -  blizzard 
yucca -  yuca


English-Spanish dictionary


I hope this is helpful!

Best regards,
justins-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars

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