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how do you impress a beautiful French girl
Category: Relationships and Society > Romance Asked by: ieexplorer-ga List Price: $5.00 |
24 Jan 2005 01:34 PST
Expires: 23 Feb 2005 01:34 PST Question ID: 462348 |
Hi, im trying to impress this beautiful french girl, to help this along what are some of the customs of dating a french girl, what would she expect? |
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Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: rambabugorre-ga on 24 Jan 2005 02:44 PST |
Not only a french girl, any girl needs to be impressed if we need to find a place close to her. First what you need to do is, try to learn french from her only, ask her teach, try to speak french a bit every day, and try spelling incorrectly and funnily, this all applies when you dont know french. Then keep praising her all the time saying that you are beautiful, your dress is great and her pony is gorgeous, her hair is like this, her cheeks and sandals or shoes what not, but not all at a time, give a timely compliment. Try to know what she likes what she doesnt, then try to behave in the way she likes. I will give you a small example, suppose if you tell her today that her pony or hair is good and the style she makes pony is great, then wheneever she dresses her hair, she will remember you and your words, that's it, your job is done, first you should make her think about you, and when that intensity crosses a threshold..the girl is yours. All the best RAM G |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: just4fun2-ga on 24 Jan 2005 11:09 PST |
Are you American? If yes, tell her you voted for John Kerry... That will win over any Frenchwoman's heart... :) A similar question was asked a few months ago: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=430518 |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 24 Jan 2005 12:23 PST |
In the words of the great Hanibal Lecter, ?The way to a woman?s heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time;) capitaineformidable |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: jack_of_few_trades-ga on 24 Jan 2005 13:40 PST |
Keep the great info flowing, I'm taking notes. |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Jan 2005 13:52 PST |
I am not French, but I think I speak for many women. In the past, when I was single, men who made a concerted effort to "impress" me generally failed in the attempt. When someone falls all over himself doling out compliments, giving me gifts, and hovering over me, my impulse is to run the other direction. There is a fine line between pleasant flirting behavior and scary obsessing behavior, and if you cross that line, you will appear to be a stalker. If this is the right woman for you, you shouldn't have to work to impress her. Doing so, even if it is effective, will lead her to believe that you are something other than what you are. A woman may fall for an act short-term, but she isn't likely to fall in love with one. |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: pancaketj-ga on 24 Jan 2005 13:59 PST |
if you're American and proud of it, introducing her to a deodorant you like may help.. |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French
From: hilda18-ga on 24 Jan 2005 14:29 PST |
For me a great sense of humor is more important than, gifts or compliments. Men who are trying to impress sometimes try too hard, and that can actually backfire. But make us laugh, and we'll remember how you made us feel.(you=happiness) I married the funniest guy I met, even though I only liked him as a "friend" for more than a year. Meanwhile the loosers I was dating fell to the side, while he was there and kept me laughing. So there's my two cents, sorry to keep rambling. |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: steph53-ga on 24 Jan 2005 14:41 PST |
For me its if the man is honest and sincere. I'm pretty intuative, and when talking to and observing a man, I can usually tell whether he is both in a matter of a few minutes.... My man is both and a *keeper* as far as I'm concerned. Steph53 |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 24 Jan 2005 14:54 PST |
Ah, my, If I had a penny for the times I?ve heard the story about the guy who laughed the girl all the way into bed...... Listen up ieexplorer-ga, hilda18-ga has the comment that really matters. Capitain |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: guzzi-ga on 24 Jan 2005 19:43 PST |
Tell her you are Scottish -- ?The Auld Alliance?. Alternatively, if as you say she is beautiful, tell her she is a "tres laid" (very ugly) and "un cochon" (a pig). I kid you not. Best |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 24 Jan 2005 23:47 PST |
The 'Scottish Alliance', wasn't that an insurance company? |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: silver777-ga on 29 Jan 2005 18:53 PST |
CF. Are You thinking of "Scottish Amicable". I guess after the "trusts" come the "bonds". Yeah, that might impress a girl to no end. S7 |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 31 Jan 2005 15:36 PST |
I might know it would be you Aussies that would know about trusses and bonds. cf |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: peter2005-ga on 11 Feb 2005 17:48 PST |
des fleurs. Sadly enough, in anglo culture it's seen as effeminate to give flowers to a gal |
Re: how do you impress a beautiful French girl
From: nroz-ga on 26 Jun 2005 16:27 PDT |
You and I have something essential in common because It's been 9months that I have been trying to impress this french called Sandra. One thing you need to know is that modern French girls don't like to be anyone's product, they are pretty much the women of their own. If she doesn't really like you, then there is no way you can impress her, and if you try hard enough, she will then run away for ever. do not let her find you simple because that's what put them off. there is a big different between girls from Paris and girls from outside Paris. girls from Paris are very arrogant, so you can really see as so called "french loving girls". apparently they act exactley like the girls in Sex and The City, there out for fun up until someone powerful comes along. I would love to know how you met her and what has happened between you so far, that would give me an insight to your story, then i will be able to give you the right advise. this is my email address : newravolution@yahoo.co.uk |
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