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How do you win back a woman?
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: randomegga-ga List Price: $2.00 |
24 Jan 2005 13:27 PST
Expires: 23 Feb 2005 13:27 PST Question ID: 462619 |
I was a real bastard, treated her like crap, not all of the time, but now shes gone I realise how much she meant to me, i love her and cant let go, what should I do? she doesnt want me to back :( |
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Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Jan 2005 13:33 PST |
Are there any visible, verifiable signs that you have changed your ways or improved your attitude? For instance, have you attended anger management therapy or otherwise sought professional help? If all you can offer this woman is "I'm sorry, I won't mistreat you again," she isn't likely to be very impressed, since most abusers say such things in between abusive episodes. |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: steph53-ga on 24 Jan 2005 14:19 PST |
I know this may seem harsh but, there is no way unless she wants you back. Pink.... Randomegga did not say he abused her, just said he treated her like *crap*...to me there is a big difference. Steph53 |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Jan 2005 14:23 PST |
I can't imagine a woman who is treated like crap who doesn't feel abused. Abuse is not always physical. A pattern of deliberately assailing someone's sense of self-worth can cause a person more longtime suffering than broken bones and split lips. I've been there. |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: steph53-ga on 24 Jan 2005 14:29 PST |
Hi Pink... I was *there* once too ( emotionally abusive ex ) However, when Randomegga said he treated her like *crap*, it may not necessarily mean abuse. He could have told her he'd call, then didn't, stood her up for dates, flirted with other women, etc. Thats my interpretation anyway... Mabe Randomegga will clarify what he meant by treated her like *crap*. Steph53 |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Jan 2005 14:45 PST |
Very well then, let's assume that a person who is treated like crap is not being abused. It seems apparent that this woman was being treated in a way that was not pleasing to her, regardless of semantics. Otherwise, why would she have left and refused to return? IMHO, unless she truly believes that this sort of maltreatment (whatever it was) will not happen again, she will probably not consider resuming the relationship. No amount of apologizing or excuse-making is likely to make any difference. The only thing that might turn things around would be if she has some kind of independent evidence (other than your words) of a drastic change in you, assuming that there has been such a change. |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: just4fun2-ga on 24 Jan 2005 15:09 PST |
I'm in Pink's court on this one. Being treated "like crap" tells me you were not very nice to her. The fact that "she doesn't want me back :(" also supports the abuse. You get the task of deciding the level of abuse and what you are going to do about it in the future. It has been my experience that people do not charge. What this means in your case is that if you get back together with her -- your HABIT of treating her "like crap" will come back after about two weeks. You will be happy and she will be sad. How to change this, find yourself a woman who will not accept being treated like carp. The second you start, will be the second you get knocked on your ass (figuratively speaking, of course) Here is a question for you to think about, why do you want to be with someone you treat badly? |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: randomegga-ga on 24 Jan 2005 20:10 PST |
I just got into a habit of taking her for granted, I became too confident around her, she was nothing but nice to me, never ever did anything wrong and I found myself using her because of it. I feel so guilty about it, ashamed even, I cant believe I sank so low, shes the sweetest thing. I feel so bad. Cant live with myself for it. |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: lrulrick-ga on 25 Jan 2005 07:17 PST |
You sound like you are on a sympathy phase for yourself here. If you truely think you cant live with out her, then it highlights your emotional issues. The first thing you need to do id come to grips with why you treated her that way *** you don't take people for granite just because thye are too good to you***. So my thinking is that you first need to discover why you had these issues, fix them and learn to live without her. Once you actually do learn to live without, you'll have reached a better place in your life. And just a thought is it that you really miss her or did you just realize how good you had it and miss that? |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: mister2u-ga on 25 Jan 2005 09:51 PST |
So women like being mistreated,maybe you weren't heel enough for her. |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: pancaketj-ga on 25 Jan 2005 10:30 PST |
face it -- it just wasn't meant to be let go, move on, dude |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: chahones-ga on 15 Feb 2005 02:12 PST |
I'm in the same situation myself. We split last November but I still live with her. She has 2 kids, 1 of which calls me Daddy but I'm not the biological one. I didn't pay her enough attention and played my video games instead. I didn't help enough around the house and was a bit lazy. I have always loved her with all my heart and we were also engaged. She is my whole life and I want to be with her for the long haul. Be there for all the good and bad. I can make her happy. I've missed her so much this last few months even though I'm still living with her. I long to hold her and kiss her and tell her I love her but I can't and it hurnts so much. I don't want to leave because I love our Daughter so much also and don't want to leave her lost without a Dad. Lately I've cleaned up my act. I've been helping round the house as much as possible. I've been getting up with our little girl at 8am every morning on my off days from work and look after her and clean up the house and do whatevers needed and let my beautiful baby sleep in. I had heard from one of her friends that she had been so lonely and hated being second behind a video game console. This past while, I get sick when I even think about it. Someone asked me if I wanted a game on it the other night and I couldn't bare to go near it. I'm even thinking of giving it away. Her friend has told me that she has notice the up turn in my behaviour and I hope she likes it. I've cut out all the little bad habbits I had that bugged her and I hope that she has noticed. I would do anything to have another chance with her, to put all the wrongs things right because I know that I'm capable of doing so and I know I can make her happy and be there for her always. I just hope that I haven't let things go too far wrong. We are so great together and I just simply adore her! |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: akira123-ga on 02 Mar 2005 19:58 PST |
I know most logical thing for most people to say is to get over it and move on. But sometimes it isn't so easy. I think giving up is the worst thing to do. It lets the girls know that she wasn't worth your time. I agree with the answer that suggested taking some kind of counseling class and showing that you are taking measures to change yourself or maybe even studying books to understand a woman from a woman's perspective. "Saying" you will change might work the first couple time but after that it'll get really really hard to get back because it becomes an empty promise. Most times I believe when a girl breaks up with you they are still in love you but, they don't feel the future is going to be stable. Breaking up for them may be just as difficult for them as well, but they won't show it to you. So by showing that you are making efforts and showing the results you can win back a girl's heart. Just don't make the same mistake again! Also, don't become a drag by begging her to come back it really turns them off more, it shows your lack of confidence. Women love confidence and motivated guys, but don't mistake this for being overly cocky. Don't forget to give the woman some time and space. Sometimes this can go a really long way. I believe if you really love someone you can change your flaws. In the end even if you don't get the girl back at least you came out trying and with one less flaw to yourself. |
Re: How do you win back a woman?
From: yayadk-ga on 13 Dec 2005 09:44 PST |
This is a good article that might help you: http://www.free-articles-zone.com/article/How%20to%20be%20Successful%20in%20Life,%20Dating,%20and%20Business Try it..it worked for me. |
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