Dear anova12,
My qualifications are the following. I hold a B.Sc. in Computer Science
from the University of Montreal. I did well in the undergraduate
Computational Theory course and enjoyed it thoroughly. Later, as a
graduate student at the University of Waterloo, I was a teaching assistant
on two occasions for their Computational Theory course. The minimality
of deterministic finite automata (DFAs) is among my research interests,
and I have independently discovered a memory-efficient algorithm for
the incremental construction of minimal DFAs for a useful class of
languages. I feel that I have the requisite training and aptitude to
answer your question.
As per your request, I shall critique each numbered point in order.
1. Assume we have a Turing machine M that terminates on all
Fine. You don't make use of the fact that M halts on all inputs in any
of the remaining points, but this is an incomplete argument by your own
admission. I'll let it pass for the time being.
2. Assume that M accepts the language L.
Fine, although an academic would phrase it differently: "Let L be the
language accepted by M."
3. Restrict L to that subset L' which consists of all strings
of L no greater than length n.
This is clear, although your language is again unorthodox. The notation
could also be improved. Since the composition of L depends on the value
of n, it would be better to denote it as L_n (read "L sub n" and imagine
that n is a subscript). I would then phrase it as follows: "Let L_n be
the greatest subset of L that excludes strings of length greater than n."
4. Note that L' can be accepted by a minimal finite state
machine F. We require for all strings up to and including length
n that F accept exactly those strings in L' and reject all other
strings up to and including length n. We do not care, however,
what other strings larger than n are accepted or rejected by F.
First of all, I recommend that you use the name "finite automaton" (FA)
rather than "finite state machine", since the latter is non-standard
terminology that could be taken to include Turing machines. An FA, on
the other hand, is understood to be either a DFA or its close cousin,
the nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA). You may want to eventually
discuss the mechanics of the automaton, in which case you will have to
specify whether you're dealing with DFAs or NFAs. For the time being,
however, "finite automaton" will do.
I also wanted to point out that your last sentence makes an interesting
stipulation. Although it may not be immediately obvious to most readers,
the minimal FA that accepts L_n and excludes all other strings is not
necessarily the same as the minimal FA that accepts strings of length
no greater than n if they are in L_n and acts arbitrarily on strings of
length exceeding n. This is because the former is necessarily acyclic,
while the latter may contain a cycle. As an example, consider the language
{"ab", "abab"}. The minimal acyclic DFA for this language has five states,
while the minimal cyclic DFA has only three.
5. Note that even if we used the configurations of M as it accepts
L' as states in some other finite state machine G to challenge F,
G could not be smaller than F because F is minimal.
There are three problems with this point. The first is your non-standard
use of the word "challenge". Although it is clear from context that you
mean it in the sense of challenging for the title of smallest FA, it
would throw off an academic reader. The second difficulty is that there
is no straightforward relationship between "the configurations of M as
it accepts" L_n and the design of an FA that accepts L_n. You should not
suggest any such relationship without specifying the exact construction.
Thirdly and finally, it is unnecessary to mention the configurations of
M at all, because they really have nothing to do with the minimality
of F. You have already stated that F is minimal, and we accept your
premise. You do not advance your argument in any way by mentioning other
FAs that are not minimal.
6. Now let's define the regular language R which consists of
all strings up to and including length n.
You have already defined a language L_n. Since L_n is finite, it is
necessarily regular. All finite languages are recognized by some FA and
therefore by some regular expression. Remember the Kleene construction,
which shows the equivalence of FAs and regular expressions? There is no
need to introduce a new symbol R that denotes exactly the same language
as L_n.
7. There is a finite state machine R' which accepts exactly the
language R and rejects all other strings.
Here we arrive at the distinction I noted earlier. Because the earlier
machine is called F, I would call this one F' and describe it as the
minimal acyclic FA that accepts L_n.
8. Now take the intersection between F and R'. Call this
intersection Fmin. Note that Fmin accepts L' exactly and no
other strings.
How do you compute the intersection of two FAs? This is an undefined
notion that you should explicitly describe if you want to use the term
"intersection". Alternatively, you could just point out the essential
differences between F and F'. If F is acyclic, then F = F'. Otherwise,
only F' is acyclic, and F' is no smaller than F.
I'm not sure exactly where this argument is headed or what it has to do
with Turing machines, but it does show promise. I am especially intrigued
by the two categories of minimal FA, one unrestricted and the other
acyclic, implied by your reasoning. If you find fault with anything I
have written above, please post a Clarification Request so that I have
the opportunity to fully meet your needs before you rate my answer.
leapinglizard |
Request for Answer Clarification by
07 Feb 2005 21:35 PST
Hi LeapingLizard,
Thanks for your answer. Could you provide the following
clarifications? Thanks, anova12-ga
You note that:
The second difficulty is that there is no straightforward relationship
between "the configurations of M as it accepts" L_n and the design of
an FA that accepts L_n. You should not suggest any such relationship
without specifying the exact construction.
Let's suppose I clarify it in the following manner:
Let f be a function from Turing Machines and positive integers to
deterministic finite automata:
f(TM,N) = DFA
Then I rephrase point 5 to say:
5. For all f, if f(M,n) = G, then G cannot have fewer states than F
and still meet the conditions imposed on F in step 4.
Why should I have to specify the construction more precisely since
f has no hope of creating a G smaller than F because of the
minimality of F?
You ask:
How do you compute the intersection of two FAs?
This is a standard construction; see the following for example:
You say:
As an example, consider the language {"ab", "abab"}.
The minimal acyclic DFA for this language has five states,
while the minimal cyclic DFA has only three.
Could you specify the full transition table for the acyclic
DFA? I'm wondering how the transition function specifies the
handling of long strings. I'd also be interested in a pointer
to a good reference work on acyclic deterministic finite automata.
You note that:
You don't make use of the fact that M halts on all inputs in any
of the remaining points...
Correct; let me clarify that a bit. It's easy to create a TM which
goes into an infinite loop in such a way that it goes through an
infinite number of distinct configurations. An argument which tries
to map configurations to states in a DFA would fail on such a TM.
So I was simply trying to ensure that for the limited-length
languages being discussed here, M would only go through a finite
number of configurations.
Clarification of Answer by
08 Feb 2005 19:12 PST
Forthwith, my responses.
Why should I have to specify the construction more precisely
since f has no hope of creating a G smaller than F because of
the minimality of F?
Indeed, you have already declared F to be minimal. If you do wish to
mention other, non-minimal FAs for purposes of elucidation, it would be
best not to offer something suggestive but ultimately undefined such as
an FA that "[uses] the configurations of M as it accepts L' as states,"
since there is no obvious way to do so. You can safely leave out your
point 5 without altering the course of the argument.
How do you compute the intersection of two FAs?
This is a standard construction; see the following for example:
I beg to differ. It is the notion of the intersection of two languages
that is well understood. Furthermore, it is easy to construct from any two
FAs a third one that accepts the intersection of their languages. What
you are proposing, on the other hand, is the intersection of two FAs
themselves. This is quite a different notion, and one for which there
exists no standard definition. The problem is that you speak of "the
intersection between F and R'" and not of the intersection between L(F)
and L(R').
As an example, consider the language {"ab", "abab"}.
The minimal acyclic DFA for this language has five states,
while the minimal cyclic DFA has only three.
Could you specify the full transition table for the acyclic DFA?
Here you go. The start state is q0, and the accepting states are q2
and q4.
a b
q0 | q1
q1 | q2
q2 | q3
q3 | q4
q4 |
I'd also be interested in a pointer to a good reference work on
acyclic deterministic finite automata.
I don't know of any work that deals exclusively with acyclicity in
DFAs. The best introductory text on computational theory is Sipser's
Introduction to the Theory of Computation, which will tell you all about
finite automata and related matters.
Amazon: Introduction to the Theory of Computation, by Michael Sipser
So I was simply trying to ensure that for the limited-length
languages being discussed here, M would only go through a finite
number of configurations.
If what you mean by a configuration is a state-symbol pair, then every
Turing machine has a finite number of configurations by definition.