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The word "dust" in the Bible
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research Asked by: elizabethdeveer-ga List Price: $15.00 |
26 Jan 2005 06:09 PST
Expires: 25 Feb 2005 06:09 PST Question ID: 463608 |
Hi, I would like a sort of a brief Biblical exegesis on the word "dust" including a list of all the places in the Bible (old and new testaments) where it occurs, and an explanation of the word or words that mean dust in Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek. (For that piece, I want a phoenetic description of the words and other meanings that they carry.) If you are interested in doing this but find the price too low for the amount of research it requires, please let me know. Thanks! |
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Re: The word "dust" in the Bible
Answered By: answerfinder-ga on 26 Jan 2005 06:53 PST Rated: ![]() |
Dear elizabethdeveer-ga, I believe that all your questions can be answered by referring you to one web site. It is an excellent resource: crosswalk.com They supply Old and New Testament lexicons. "New Testament Greek lexicon based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary plus others; this is keyed to the large Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament." Also included are RealAudio pronunciations of each word with alternates pronunciations if available." "The Old Testament Hebrew lexicon is Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon; this is keyed to the "Theological Word Book of the Old Testament." Also included are RealAudio pronunciations of each word with alternate pronunciations if available." As an example, this is how to research ?dust? in the Old Testament. Click on this link and you will taken to the start page. http://bible.crosswalk.com/Lexicons/ Click the link on Old Testament> Enter ?dust? in the search box as an English term for King James Version lexicon. You will then see four entries for dust. Each will have the Original Word, the Word Origin, Transliterated Word, Phonetic Spelling, sound file with the word, definitions and links to each verse in which it appears. There is too much information on 'dust' to place here which is why I am just referring you to the site. I hope this answers your question. If you have any problems extracting the information, then please ask for clarification of this research before rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as soon as I receive it. Thank you answerfinder Search strategy One of my bookmarks. Originally recommended by one of my fellow researchers byrd-ga. http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=459809 | |
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rated this answer:![]() THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! :) (There's a lot of dust in the Bible, who knew?) |
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Re: The word "dust" in the Bible
From: pugwashjw-ga on 26 Jan 2005 22:07 PST |
I always stick my bib into Bible question...So here they are; Genesis2;7, 3;14,19, 13;16,[2] 18;27, 28;14, Exodus 8;16, 8;17[2], Leviticus 17;13 Numbers 5;17, 19;17, 23;10 Deuteronomy 9;21[2], 28;24, 32;24 Joshua 7;6 First Samuel 2;8 Second Samuel 16;13, 22;43 First Kings 16;2, 18;38, 20;10 Second Kings 13;7, 23;4, 23;6[2] 23;12, 23;15 Second Cronicles 1;9 Job 2;12, 4;19, 5;6, 7;5, 7;21, 8;19, 10;9, 14;8, 14;19,16;15, 17;16, 19;25, 20;11, 21;26, 22;24, 27;16, 28.2, 28;6, 30;6, 30;19, 34;15, 38;38, 39;14, 40;13, 41;33, 42;6. Psalms 7;5, 18;42, 22;15, 22;29, 30;9, 44;25, 72;9, 78;27, 102;14, 103;14, 104;29, 113;7, 119;25, Proverbs 8;26 Ecclesiastes 3;20[2], 12;7 Isaiah 2;10, 2;19, 25;12, 26;5, 26;19, 29;4[2], 34;7, 34;9, 40;12, 40;15[2], 41;2, 47;1, 49;23, 52;2, 65;25 Lamentations 2;10, 3;29 Ezekiel 24;7, 26;4, 26;10, 26;12, 27;30, Daniel 12;2, Amos 2;7 Micah 1;10, 7;17 Habbakkuk 1;10 Zephaniah 1;17 Zechariah 9;3 Matthew 10;14 Luke 9;5, 10;11 Acts 13;51, 22;23 First Corinthians 15;47, 15;48[2], 15;49 Revelation 18;19 {2} denotes it is said twice in the one scripture "Dusty" is mentioned once at Nehemiah 4;2..................PHEW!.. |
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