Howdy, Carolyn!
I've located your info, but it was surprisingly difficult to do so.
Most of the news stories I found that discussed Dr. Rice's
confirmation hearings mentioned the number of Senators who voted
against her, but did not name all of them. A Google News search
finally led me to a Bloomberg article that provided the full list:
"The dissenting votes came from 12 Democrats and independent James
Jeffords of Vermont.... Along with [Barbara] Boxer and [Mark] Dayton,
Democrats voting against Rice were Daniel Akaka of Hawaii, Evan Bayh
of Indiana, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, Richard Durbin of Illinois,
Tom Harkin of Iowa, Edward Kennedy and John Kerry of Massachusetts,
Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, Carl Levin of Michigan and Jack Reed
of Rhode Island."
Bloomberg News: U.S. Senate Confirms Rice as Secretary of State (Update2)
You can also find the full list of dissenting Senators on Rush
Limbaugh's site, complete with a couple of snide remarks by Rush:
"Here are the people who voted against Condi Rice: Senators Kerry,
Byrd, Boxer, Dayton, Jeffords, Kennedy, Harkin, Dusty Harry Reid, Dick
Durbin, The Lout -- Frank Lautenberg -- Carl Levin, Akaka from Hawaii,
(My favorite sentence, when they do the roll call, is: 'Senator
Akaka!' Every time I hear the name I think what I'm actually hearing
is 'Senator Caca.') and Senator Bayh."
Rush Limbaugh: Media Shrugs as Democrats, Led By Klansman, Fail to Block
Black Woman from Door to State Department
When information that you know is out there is elusive, it's sometimes
good to try the shotgun approach, and use several different
combinations of keywords until one of the combos hits the jackpot.
After numerous failures, this was the search strategy that paid off
for me:
Google News Search: "secretary of state" "dissenting votes" "voting against rice"
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