Request for Question Clarification by
30 Jan 2005 19:55 PST
Your question is a tough one, simply because there are SO MANY
pictures out there, and so many resources. Without knowing more about
what you need, and how you'll use them, it's hard to know which
resource to steer you towards.
However, no harm trying one out. Visit these search results for the
Getty Archives:|2|0|30||0|0|0||1|||1%2f30%2f1910|1%2f30%2f1900|0|0|0|0|0|0|0||0||7|-1|world|0||0|0|0|0&p=0
I searched on the term "world" for the period 1900-1910. The results
(360 photos) include a lot of great pix. On the first page alone,
you'll find:
Jack Johnson, Boxing Champ
The Lusitania
HMS Hawke, a British battleship
A nice old biplane
Halley's comet
and a great many slice-of-life pictures that are hard to beat.
Of course, similar searches can be conducted for whatever year or
period is of interest.
Is this the sort of thing you're looking for?