Hi dan5335,
Filariasis occurs 5-18 months after being bitten by an infected
mosquito, and is most common in tropical countries.
"Most of the signs and symptoms of filariasis are caused as a
consequence of the adult worms living in the lymph system. Tissue
damage caused by the worms restricts the normal flow of lymph fluid.
This results in swelling, scarring, and infections. The legs and groin
are most often affected." It is curable if treated promptly. If you
suspect a child has filariasis, you must seek treatment immediately.
"The adult worms live in the lymph - a body fluid. When the worms
block the flow of lymph, a disease called Elephantiasis results. This
disease is characterised by severe swelling of the limbs, usually the
legs. Sometimes it even can affect the breast or the scrotum.
This gross swelling in the legs and other parts of the body and the
thickening of the skin due to blockage fo the vessels of the lymphatic
system is called Elephantiasis."
You would need a blood test to diagnose filaria parasitic infection.
If positive, one would need to be treated with medications, usually
Diethylcarbamazine or Ivermectin.
This oage had lots of good information on the topic
Scroll down to "Filariases". You probably don't need to worry about
these species of filariases unless you live in or have traveled to
one of the "Red" countries.
Dogs, however are prone to a heartworm microfilaria, called
dirofilaria. "Dog heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) can be a
life-threatening disease for canines. The disease is caused by a
roundworm. Dogs and sometimes other animals such as cats, foxes and
raccoons are infected with the worm through the bite of a mosquito
carrying the larvae of the worm. It is dependent on both the mammal
and the mosquito to fulfill its lifecycle. The young worms called
microfilaria circulate in the blood stream of the dog."
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