Hi, thank you for submitting your question to Answers.Google, I hope I
can provide the information you are seeking to help you make a
decision whether or not to look into this further.
First, I have done public speaking so I have a minor background in the
area. I have been repeatedly asked back to speak again at similar
functions, but I don?t do it for a living.
I believe the best place for you to start your research into this new
career is at a British site
This site offers a 10-step guide to becoming a motivational speaker.
One of the most important considerations with this, as with any
essentially entrepreneurial career path, is whether you can get hired.
The top criteria will be whether you have some specialized knowledge
about a particular topic, or have some major life experience which
would make your personal story interesting to others.
If you have a certain amount of celebrity in some area, or are simply
a celebrity, then you have a big jump on others who merely have
enthusiasm and speaking skills.
Unless you are an Olympic medalist or are otherwise famous for
something, you will probably need to market yourself at first until
you become well-known enough speaker to get an agent or become listed
with a speaker?s bureau.
Major markets for you to approach include:
Companies which produce seminars
Conventions and trade shows
Cruise ships
One word of caution - I don?t know if you have ever done paid
motivational speaking or not. If not, this may be a big up hill battle
to get a toe in the door of the business.
I have personally been approached several times to speak overseas at
major IT and futurist conferences but that was because I am well-known
in the field. That is obviously the best way to start so you need to
consider whether you?ve ever been asked to do this cold or asked to
speak again at a location where you have spoken previously.
I don?t mean to discourage you ? it is perfectly possible to enter
this field, but it is similar to acting or singing ? there will be
some very lean times based on my discussions with some speakers I
FabJob.com http://www.fabjob.com/Speaker.asp
offers a 224-page guide to becoming a motivational speaker. From what
I can learn of the book from the site references, the e-book looks as
if it would be a good investment for you.
All the reference links in this answer were found starting at Google.com
Search string: become motivational speaker
Google search: ://www.google.com/search?q=become+motivational+speaker&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
(FireFox browser)
(Internet Explorer)
The LifeCoach Tips site
A motivational speaker site
provides a good look at how others in the field are marketing themselves.
Premier Speakers
is an oline speakers bureau.
The fact that this site isn?t even accepting applications to be added
to their stable of 500+ speakers
should give you pause but you should check out the site and perhaps
request their 2005 catalog
just to see what the current market involves.
You can find a speaker coach at
and tips at
This site offers a free e-book on paid speaking.
There is also a free newsletter available
Other links to check out include:
dir.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/ Business_to_Business/Speakers/Bureaus
www.igab.org/ is the site for the International Association or Speakers Bureaus.
These were obtained from Google.com using this search string: speaker bureaus
I hope this answer provided the information you need to begin your own
research into the potential market.
I also hope I haven?t been too negative. I know some speakers and they
enjoy their careers as well as the perks and money, although most
complain about the constant travel and constant need to keep marketing
Thank you again for bringing your question to Answers.Google.com |