Hello rrgaga-ga
Rootsweb has a surname list from Sicily:
http://www.rootsweb.com/~itasic/ and also civil record information
Italiansrus.com has general surname databases, details of groups who
can help your friend in her investigations, ship passenger lists of
Italian emigrants, and more
Sicilian surnames search engine:
Sicilian surname list:
A thread about Sicilian families:
And a Sicilian forum on the same site
GenDir has a searchable index of Palermo birth records, 1876-85
At the bottom of this page,
http://sicilia.indettaglio.it/eng/provincie/pa/provpa.html , there is
a list of towns in Palermo province. If you click on the link for a
town, you will be taken to a page with general information and also a
link to a list of surnames from that town
ItalyLink lists sites relating to Italian geneaology in general
Ship passenger lists, include four ships from Palermo, which sailed in
1880 http://khuish.tripod.com/ships.htm
Links to sites dealing with individual family names from Sicily and
other resources http://italiangenealogy.tripod.com/italianfamilytrees_2.html
Other pages on this sites list links to other useful resources for
genealogical research on Italian families.
Best of Sicily has some advice for doing research once your friend is
in Sicily http://www.bestofsicily.com/genealogy.htm
If your friend is willing to pay for professional assistance:
GenTracer offers paid services in Italian genealogical research. A
4-hour project, which costs $160, is said usually to extend the family
line by 2-3 generations, with translations of all documents supplied.
Another site offers researchers who are based in Sicily at $175 per
day: http://www.initaly.com/gene/research.htm
Search strategy: Sicily, genealogy on Google
, and then I explored links from some of the retrieved web sites.
I wish your friend the best of luck with her search |