My site, is looking quite uncared for these days
and I know what I want to do with that site but I am not sure how to
I want the site to be dynamic. For example currently for someone to
add a class to the listings they fill out the form and the form is
E-mailed to me. After I receive the E-mail I access the appropriate
page and edit it to reflect the change. If the site was dynamic the
visitor would set-up a user id and password, login, fill-out the form
and the information would appear on the site without me having to
retype it. How can I modify and existing content management system
(CMS) or create a new one that will allow me to have users add, delete
and edit records. Ideally the CMS could be customizable, for example
someone could always add records and delete their own, but the system
would allow them to edit or delete records added by others, say after
a user has been registered for thirty-days. This would hopefully deter
vandalism of the database.
In addition to the geographically orientated class directory, the site
also has a meet calendar, which is chronological. It would be nice for
the CMS to indicate which meets have already occurred and perhaps
E-mail the person who created the record or the person listed as the
meet contact to remind them to update the information for next years
The CMS should also facilitate a massage board, If the message board
was more tightly integrated into the server that hosts the site and
its databases, I could move the message board, or at least dynamically
generated highlights of the message board to the front page. Where
users would see the latest massages posted and perhaps information
about recently added meet and class listings. I would also like to be
able to have all of the other functions currently on the site, such as
the article submission and photos be made to automatically appear
after a trusted user as uploaded them.
One site that I think does a good job of being self-maintaining and
accurate is, individuals can create records on that site
and there is even an incentive for users to actively participate in
the site. The whole site updating process occurs with much less human
intervention than my site, where no matter how trusted the user is, I
still have to be the one to add or delete information from the server.
My budget for the project is $500, not including hosting and domain
fees. Would you please give me advice on how to proceed in creating or
modifying an exciting CMS so that it will possess the features
described above. Also please elaborate how I, as a Webmaster with no
database programming experience, should spend the $500 to get the most
bang for the buck. I realize that for $500 I will not receive a
turn-key CMS meeting my specifications above. However I would like to
know what I should pay others for and what aspects of this project can
be done by me. |