I am a Truck Driver and drive an 18 wheeler in Canada as a profession.
I want to buy a truck some time in the near future. I want to know
more about specifying your rig in regards to Engine, Transmissions,
and Tires in order to obtain max profits. I will be hauling dry
freight mostly upto 42000 lbs. I want to know what factors affect your
choice of engines ,transmissions and other components and what is the
best choice in a given set of circumstances. To be more specific
1. What engine should I buy? ( 400 hp, 450 hp or 500 or more?)
2. What manufacturer ( Cat, Detroit Diesel or Mercedeez Benz?)
3. What Transmissions ( What manufacturers, what ratios, What speeds?
What axle ratios)
4.How would changing axle ratios affect engine rpm's and fuel costs?
5. How would the choice of above components be affected if I am
hauling over grades ( in mountains) vis a vis runs on a level terrain
on Inter state Highways |