According to an article in In Vol. 6, no. 9 of Stamats? QuickTakes,
76% of college-bound students use the Internet to research colleges.
"The same study showed that the information they most often seek is
admissions criteria, specific descriptions of academic programs, cost,
and facts about athletics. ?
Stamats? QuickTakes
Insights into Research, Strategic Planning, and Integrated Marketing
for Colleges and Universities by Dr. Robert A. Sevier, Senior Vice
President at Stamats Vol. 6, no. 9: Maximize Your Web Site
Students favor technology in the college search process.
?Eighty-two percent of 2002 college-bound high school graduates would
like to receive e-mail messages from colleges, compared with only 48
percent who would like to receive phone calls. (Project Connect)
Sixty-six percent of students would choose Web sites over print
materials in the college search process if they could only choose one
medium. (Project Connect)
When asked if a college Web site and e-mails increased their interest
in applying to the institution, more than 75 percent responded that
college Web sites and e-mails either ?greatly increased? or ?somewhat
increased? their interest in applying to the institution. (George
Dehne and Associates)
Ninety-five percent of schools reported an increase in the number of
electronic applications from the previous year. (National Association
of College Admission Counseling)?
Hobsons EMT Management
Additional information that may interest you:
?StudentPoll has chronicled the rapid growth in the uses of web
technologies among college-bound high school students nationwide.?
Source: The Use of Technologies in College Choice
January 29, 2003
Volume 5, Issue 3
Findings and Supporting Data
What sections or features on college web sites were most valuable to
students in the college decision-making process? Has this changed any
since it was first explored?
Is the online application now preferred by most students? When they
applied to colleges, did students use a paper, online or some other
application? How has application use and preference changed over time?
Search criteria:
students "use the internet to research colleges OR universities
I hope this is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |