A) WAs the 12th century BCE settlement at Izbet Sartah, Canaanite,
Israelite, Akkadian, Philistine, Aegyptian or Phoenicean? Who were the
settlrd in the surrounding villages or cities? Please
provide a compleate list of all items fund at the Izbet Sartah's
excavations, stratum by by stratum, incuding, potery, artifacts,
metals, coins, ostraca, inscriptions, tablets, armory, others. At the
time of 12th century BCE to which groop of people these findings most
likely corresponde and on what basis? To Canaanites, Philistines,
Akkadians, Phoeniceans, Aegyptians Israelites or Else?
B)Archaeological map of the area of Izbet Sartah and names of the
sarrounging villages and cities,including distances, as these were
envisioned on the 12th centuries BCE map. Since the existense of
Israelites in the area was questionable at that time ( or possibly
this time was signiling the begining of their arrival ), to which
groop of people most likely these villages and surrounding cities
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