At a bar in Chicago, I saw the following music video for which I don't
know the name (and may not clearly remember all the details):
The video alternates between shots of the band playing the song, and a
scene in a diner. The band consists of 4 or 5 guys, and the
performance portion was shot against a green background of some sort.
The diner portions consisted of shots of diner patrons... each of
which was "labeled" with an emotion of some sort, like "Upset",
"Proud", or "Happy", for example. By 'labeled', I mean there was text
electronically superimposed on them. I believe the main plot of the
diner scenes what that it was being robbed by some guy.
I saw/heard this about November 2004. It is a rock/alternative song,
and it sounded relatively modern, but I can't be sure of that.
I remember it being a very moving video, and a good song at that. I
just can't remember what it was called.
Thanks! |