Caddo, before jumping on any bandwaggon when it comes to stocks,
consider 1 important thing:
Why did the writer make this information public?
Sometimes the answer is that they want to sell you additional
information. I read an article recently that almost all "insider
information" dealers (often known for sending out their urgent stock
picks) go out of business real quick.
Another answer is that they bought alot of this stock before sending
out the notice. In this case they are hoping that thousands of people
will rush to buy the stock, which will inflate the price to a great
degree and then the writer hopes to sell the stock before it crashes
right back down (and it will crash).
Either way, you could get lucky and ride the wave with your savy
timing and perfect insider information. But you will likely just be
throwing some money away and regreting that you dealt with these
I highly recomend that you look at putting your money into an IRA.
The IRA will give you an immediate huge return since it is fully tax
deductible. Additionally, the IRA will allow you to invest in a
mutual fund or index fund that will give you good returns over the
years. It's not a get rich quick scheme like the one you mentioned,
but it is a tried and very likely way to get rich over the years. |