E-Mail addresses for piano restorers
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: maluca-ga List Price: $100.00 |
07 Feb 2005 18:33 PST
Expires: 09 Mar 2005 18:33 PST Question ID: 470729 |
I have a 1872 Steinway 7" Grand for bid on E-Bay. I would like to get the e mail addresses of piano restorers who would be capable of potentially buying this beauty. 2.00 ea. to 100.00. Located in Western U.S. | |
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Re: E-Mail addresses for piano restorers
Answered By: easterangel-ga on 09 Feb 2005 19:49 PST Rated: |
Hi! Thanks for the question. Before providing a rating, please ask for clarification if you will need further assistance in the answers I have provided below. Here is a list piano restoration services that have the capability to buy the instrument in the West Coast. The first link is their email address while the succeeding ones are their websites or source where I got the information. I listed more than 50 in case some of the other services are not apt to your standards. 1. Tom Johnson Piano Service wtomj@compuserve.com http://www.pianoworld.com/restore/carestore.htm 2. Raffi Keshishian Piano Restoration info@raffipiano.com http://www.raffipiano.com/contact_us.html 3. Orange Coast Piano Sales@playerpianos.com http://www.playerpianos.com/ 4. Gordon?s Piano Shop Rob@gordonspianoshop.com http://www.gordonspianoshop.com/ 5. Pianos Wholesale info@pianos-wholesale.com john@pianos-wholesale.com ivan@pianos-wholesale.com jherring@pianos-wholesale.com http://www.pianos-wholesale.com/ 6. Callahan Piano Service john@callahanpiano.com http://www.callahanpiano.com/ 7. Dave Conte Piano Service dave@daveconte.com http://daveconte.com/index.html 8. Johnson Piano Service scottj@jps.net http://pweb.jps.net/~scottj/pianotuning.html#top 9. Shull Piano bdshull@aol.com http://www.shullpiano.com/ 10. Precision Piano Services francoskilan@precisionpianoservices.com http://www.precisionpianoservices.com/ 11. Complete Piano Services https://completepiano.com/Secure/ContactUs.asp ------------------------------- 12. Eddie Oliver nickel@theriver.com 13. Player Piano Forte bing@playerpianoforte.com http://www.playerpianoforte.com/ 14. Roger Jennison rdjenn@pcisys.net 15. John M. Kirin Restorations gavibook89@yahoo.com Source of Numbers 12 to 15: http://www.player-care.com/western.html ---------------------------- 16. Knauer Pianos knauerpianos@pacbell.net http://www.magicyellow.com/Listings/25008325.htm 17. Callahan Piano Service john@callahanpiano.com http://www.callahanpiano.com/references.htm 18. PIANOSOURCE http://www.pianosource.com/t6.html http://www.pianosource.com/http://www.pianosource.com/ 19. Past Perfect Piano info@pastperfectpiano.com http://www.pastperfectpiano.com/cartier.html ------------------------ 20. Bode Enterprises Inc. bode@sptc.net 21. Forshey Piano Company fforshey@forsheypiano.com http://www.forsheypiano.com/ 22. Sharp & Flat Piano luispiano@juno.com 23. KeyArts Piano & Restoration chasa@republic.net http://www.pianoworld.com/ads/keyarts.htm 24. Benke Piano DBenke@IWL.net 25. McBrayer Piano Gallery aubreedan@aol.com Source for Numbers 20 to 25: http://www.pianoworld.com/restore/txrestore.htm ------------------------ 26. Granholm / Jackson gbros@term.wanweb.net http://www.pianoworld.com/restore/orrestore.htm 27. Woods and Son Piano Company woodspno@aol.com http://woodspiano.com/ 28. Hardy?s Piano Service info@hardyspiano.com http://www.hardyspiano.com/ 29. Just Piano justpiano@hotmail.com http://www.justpiano.com/share/cgi-bin/site.cgi?site_id=justpiano&page_id=home 30. Di-Bros Piano Co. info@dibros-piano.com http://www.dibros-piano.com/ 31. Piedmont Pianos music@piedmontpiano.com http://www.piedmontpiano.com/ 32. Hollywood Piano Email Form: http://www.hollywoodpiano.com/requestforinformation/ http://www.hollywoodpiano.com/door/ 33. Hébert Piano Service blaine.hebert@att.net http://www.hebertpiano.com/ 34. Moore's Piano Tuning & Repairing rmoorepiano@cs.com http://yellowpages.superpages.com/profile~C_piano+restoration~S_CA~OO_1~STYPE_S~CP_Shopping%5ESpecialty+Stores%5EMusical+Instruments%5EPianos+%26+Organs%5EPiano+Tuning%2C+Repair%2C+%26+Refinishing~CID_518697~LID_nL1avQf%2F3JxUnZGcr7DcsA%3D%3D.htm 35. Master?s Piano Restoration info@masterpianorestoration.com http://www.masterpianorestoration.com/ 36. Keyboard Concepts Dennis.Hagerty@keyboardconcepts.com http://www.keyboardconcepts.com/frames.html 37. Secondhand Pianos secondhandpianos@netscape.net http://www.secondhandpianos.net/page_five.htm 38. Maximiliaan's House of Grand Pianos info@pianomax.com http://www.pianomax.com/ 39. Cannon Pianos pianobiz@earthlink.net http://www.cannonpianos.com/door/ 40. Piano City Email Form: http://www.pianocity.com/contact.asp http://www.pianocity.com/ 41. Cucamonga Music Co. john@cucamongamusic.com http://www.cucamongamusic.com/index.html 42. Grand American Piano cnlhughes@netzero.com http://www.grandamericanpiano.com/ 43. Ansdell Piano APiano@pacbell.net http://www.ansdellpiano.com/ http://yellowpages.superpages.com/profile~S_CA~PS_45~OO_1~STYPE_S~CID_00000518697~LID_lZ2iXg22ukJ7zxqumCgZBQ%3D%3D.htm 44. JB Piano Company info@jbpiano.com http://www.jbpiano.com/ 45. David Love Piano Service and Restoration davidlovepianos@comcast.net http://www.davidlovepianos.com/ 46. Master Piano masterpianoworks@aol.com http://www.masterpiano.com/ 47. Mcquilkin Music mcqmusic@pacbell.net http://www.mcquilkinmusic.com/cgi-bin/x8.pl?rd=JTYLDWVC0267946&sc=&ac=DRXLZOAN0888844&pg=DRXLZOAN0888844 48. Nunley Pianos righ@pacbell.net http://planetkwazar.com/nunley/index.htm 49. Owen Piano Company owenpiano@earthlink.net http://www.owenpiano.com/pianoservice.html 50. Rotenberg Pianos info@rotenbergpianos.com http://www.rotenbergpianos.com/index.html 51. Ye Olde Piano steinwaybill1@c-zone.net http://www.yeoldepiano.com/ 52. Amadeus Piano Service Info@piano-fixer.com http://www.piano-fixer.com/ 53. Berkley Piano rberkley@san.rr.com http://www.berkleypiano.com/ 54. California Keyboards calkeyboards@aol.com http://www.californiakeyboards.com/services.html 55. Burgess Pianos burgessenb@comcast.net http://www.burgesspianos.com/ 56. Awards Piano info@awardpiano.com http://www.awardpiano.com/service.html 57. Sherman Clay san_francisco_info@shermanclay.com http://www.shermanclay.com/service&repairs.htm Search terms used: Piano Steinway restoration restorers California Texas Oregon I hope these links would help you in your research. Before rating this answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if you would need further information. Thanks for visiting us. Regards, Easterangel-ga Google Answers Researche |
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Re: E-Mail addresses for piano restorers
From: easterangel-ga on 10 Feb 2005 00:17 PST |
Thanks for the kind words, the 5 stars and for the generous tip! :) |
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