Hi! Thanks for the question.
Here is a concise definition of a Knowledge Based System (KBS).
?A computer based system in which there is a 1.) symbolic
representation of the knowledge in the system 2.) there is a
separation of the knowledge from the inferencing mechanism in the
system A knowledge based system has a typical architecture, consisting
of 1.) a knowledge base (where the knowledge is stored), 2.) an
inferencing engine, 3). a working memory where the initial data and
intermediate results are stored.?
An easier to understand definition is available in our next article.
In some sectors Knowledge Based Systems are called Expert Systems.
?An Expert (Knowledge Based) System is a problem solving and decision
making system based on knowledge of it?s task and logical rules or
procedures for using knowledge. Both the knowledge and the logic is
obtained from the experience of a specialist in the area (Business
?An Expert System is a program that emulates the interaction a user
might have with a human expert to solve a problem. The end user
provides input by selecting one or more answers from a list or by
entering data. The program will ask questions until it has reached a
conclusion. The conclusion may be the selection of a single solution
or list of possible solutions arranged in order of likelihood. The
program can explain, in English, how it arrived at its conclusion and
?The Basics of Expert (Knowledge Based) Systems?
In our next link, the article argues that KB Systems have moved on
beyond expert systems and has provided the different types of
Knowledge Based Systems that exists today.
a.) ?Neural networks, which are characterized by a way of reasoning
not based on explicit rules and whose knowledge is acquired by
training the system more or less automatically on a set of cases from
a particular domain?
b.) ?Machine learning systems (like AQ) which contain a rule based
knowledge reasoning formalism, but whose knowledge is also acquired
from training on a set of cases?
c.) ?Case-based reasoning systems, a loose term referring to systems
that are able to find a matching case in a large set of cases
(sometimes based on decision tree like formalisms)?
d.) ?Genetic algorithm systems, which can find a solution to a problem
by applying principles from genetics to a set of components?
?Organisational Impacts of Knowledge Based Systems: An Overview?
If you want to know more about the different types of KB Systems, here
are some additional links.
Neural Networks
Machine Learning Systems
Case-based Reasoning Systems
Genetic Algorithm Systems
Search terms used:
?knowledge based? systems overview introduction basics
Neural Networks
Machine Learning Systems
Case-based Reasoning Systems
Genetic Algorithm Systems
I hope these links would help you in your research. Before rating this
answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if
you would need further information.
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