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Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: steph53-ga List Price: $3.00 |
08 Feb 2005 16:08 PST
Expires: 10 Mar 2005 16:08 PST Question ID: 471396 |
Hi GA Community... I can't seem to figure this out or find any information about it on the internet. I have a male friend who is highly educated and very successfully self-employed in a professional field. He has numerous young female friends who work as exotic dancers. Some of these girls are younger than his daughter. Most of them are either on drugs or alcohol nightly. The clubs where he visits them are pretty "seedy" to say the least. Most of these girls have very little education and appear to be living the harsher side of life. Keep in mind, and I know this to be true, he does NOT go there for sexual stimulation or anything like that. He goes strictly to befriend them and let them have someone they can talk to about their problems, life and dreams. At times, he has helped them with monetary funds to prevent eviction, utility turnoffs and groceries. The girls phone him just to talk and invite him for dinner at times. He has also "hung" around with them in a non-work environment ( clubbing, going out for dinner etc ) My question is ( and I hope I don't sound like a "snob" ), why would this educated, successful man choose to befriend these young girls on a strictly platonic level? I may add, that his involvement with these girls is causing somewhat of a strain on his relationship with his current girlfriend (my close friend), who is more his age and a professional herself. Any light anyone could shed on this situation would be highly appreciated. Thanks, Steph53 | |
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Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: just4fun2-ga on 08 Feb 2005 16:33 PST |
Ego. Let's say that it is true that he is not having sex with them. These women are considered sex objects and sex objects only. Along comes a "father" figure and they pour out their love to this man, the love they feel for the nonexistance Father in their lives. What does he get out of this relationship? Many things - one being a woman that many man would dream about having -- on his arm. |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: lrulrick-ga on 08 Feb 2005 16:58 PST |
I had to pause for a moment and then reassure myself that you did indeed say "seedy" and that the girls seemed to be living on the harsher side of life. Although I completely hope that you are not "snobby" I would like to give my personal thoughts on dancers- as I have known them. I worked at a mens club. Over 75 percent of the girls, no matter how sad their stories where to the "clients" of the club, where either in collage or had completed school already. Even those with the saddest story lived better than most other people I knew. Many of the girls have went on to have great careers and alot have great family lives. Dancing put them through school, paid their bills and gave them extra cash. There's not one of them I worked with that I wouldn't let take my SATs for me. That was my defense of dancers everywhere. ***Now to your question, also my answer is taken from experience. The men that would come in to have "friendships" often were like the women that have that "lost puppy" deal going on in their heads. They often believed that by befriending the girls at the club they could help make the girls lives better. The had a overwhelming need to be that "shinning prince" who rides in and saves the day. They were often drawn to the women because they felt the girls looked up to them and they could then have this "I did something good today" feel. One man I fondly remember would gravitate to the girl with the worst story and then insist helping her out of any trouble she could be in. He often dines with them, paid bills, and took them shopping. As he was very very late in his life I had to ask him one day why. He reasoning was that doing this somehow made him feel less guitly for having the need to see them to begin with. There were also the ones that could only see the good in the girls. I met one man that was on vacation. When he returned home he continued to talk with me, flew me to my "home" to see my folks and he always had the resoning that he did it so I wouldn't have to work so hard, there was never a hint of expectation that our friendship would be anything more. Many men see it as a easy way to bond with the female sex. When they first go in- they go knowing that for a fee they will have someones attention. That any flaws in them will be over looked. They can relax and be themselves. Most women are drawn to man that can "be themselves" and therefor are willing to provide the attention. If a man continues to visit the clubs they are bound to form friendships. The issue becomes then that they do not see that most of the women would continue that friendship without the financial bonus. There truely are many many reasons why a man you describe as educated and successful would choose to befriend these dancers. It is not unheard of and if the relationships are truely platonic, I personally see no issue as to why this woud be a problem. But since you are the "concerned friend" I would assume that you too have taken issue with this, and I can not help but wonder why. If these women were successful professionals with what society considers acceptible jobs would you still have issue with the friendships he has? Is your biggest complaint that the women do not fit into the correct social profile that you require or is it that he seeks other female friends in general? Maybe the man you speak of feels more at ease with these women because they don't require him to be on some politically correct social scale. He may just perfer their company because they willingly accept him. And he feels as a friend that he had the availble funds to help out others and therefore should. Maybe that is what he has decided to contribute to society, to make someone elses day a little easier- if indeed these dancers you speak of are on the harder side of life. ************I do not mean to offend you in any manner- these would just be my thoughts on the matter. So if I have I am sorry. I just see the world at a different light than others may. Does any of my rambling help? |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 08 Feb 2005 17:18 PST |
I am really the wrong person to comment on this. You really need a psychologist skilled in behavioural science to give you a better quality answer. Is this man in any way religious? Maybe he believes that the way to ensure a place in heaven is by making a difference on earth. Could his actions be driven by a need for catharsis? Is he seeking atonement for past actions or is he a ?good Samaritan?, a genuine ?do-gooder?, a genuine Christian? This is a step well beyond helping out down at the youth club and it seems to me that there is a certain type of psyche that seeks out the worst possible cases. Lord Longford was the extreme example here, campaigning endlessly for the release from prison of Myra Hindly, quite oblivious of the deep seated public rage at the crimes she and her boyfriend Ian Brady had committed. I am however unable to answer the question of what drives or motivates such a psyche. This man does need to take care though. A possible problem is that the people who are running these girls need to keep them in a dependant situation and if he oversteps the help mark, he could place himself in difficult position. I really hope that you can find someone who can resolve this question for you Steph. Best regards Norman. |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: lrulrick-ga on 08 Feb 2005 19:03 PST |
Steph53- It would take alot to offend me personally, so have no concern over that. If indeed he is looking for that "i did something good today" feeling- perhaps you may find a friendly way to suggest he find a non profit he could volunteer for. Better yet your friend may try to find a activity that would give him the same feeling of good that she could do with him, thus strengthening their relationship while helping him to find a better outlet for his need of helping others. But do try to remember that these women may have had a different path planned out for their lives- and perhaps they have fallen on hard times that they were unable to get past. As you related your story, you know how these things can happen. above all I hope that you are able to encourge this man for his efforts in making the world a bit better for them, even if you persuade him to find a better way in which to help others. He should be commended for trying to bring others even a moment of ease. |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: guzzi-ga on 08 Feb 2005 19:28 PST |
It may have occurred to you once or twice Steph, that you lead a convoluted existence :-) Paternalism by proxy. It?s nice to have a father, and it?s nice to be one. If one takes it at face value, cool. Sometimes there just ain?t ulterior motives. Best |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: steph53-ga on 08 Feb 2005 19:44 PST |
Guzzi... Just what do you mean by this?? "It may have occurred to you once or twice Steph, that you lead a convoluted existence :-)" The question I posted is NOT about me or my own life... I'm not sure what you mean by posting this comment... An "elightenment" would be muchly appreciated :) Steph53 |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: frde-ga on 09 Feb 2005 02:10 PST |
I think Guzzi meant 'you are missing the simplest explanation' Personally, it sounds to me as if he is doing no harm, perhaps a bit of good. Being fairly cynical, I would tend to suspect an ulterior motive, but you seem pretty convinced that there is not one. It might just be 'paternalism by proxy'. |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: mister2u-ga on 09 Feb 2005 09:21 PST |
The book Bare by Elisabeth Eaves chronicles her life as a stripper,fron what shes says this type of attitude and behavior is not uncommon. |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: just4fun2-ga on 09 Feb 2005 12:04 PST |
To Steph53 You wrote: To Just4fun2: I hate to destroy your "bubble", but these girls are definately not sex objects nor are they anywhere close to what a man would dream of having on his arm. As I stated, they work in the "seedier" bars, and most of them look many years older than they really are and do not have anywhere close to the perfect bodies that men would envision an exotic dancer to have.... My "bubble"???? Hmmmm??? Cut me I bleed... You wrote: These Girls are definately not sex objects. So girls who are "dancers" in "seedier" bars who get paid for exotic dancing can't be sex objects? You wrote: Most of them look many years older that they really are. Can't women who are older be sex objects to someone? You wrote: Not perfect bodies: Believe this or not, men like all types of women, some skinny, some fat, some old and some young. So lets look at the facts, you have an older man who goes to seedy bars and takes out the dancers. I wrote that I believe it has to do with HIS Ego. Secondly, I don't believe he is NOT trying to have sex with them, I think he is, but you don't - so I will give that to you. The next item I wrote was that these women are considered sex object. After all they get paid to bring in customers who are interested in that type of dancing. Sexual Dancing. The customers only look at them as Sexual objects. Nothing more and nothing less. Then I wrote, along comes a "father" figure that they can pour out their love to. I believe it can be easily proved that many women in the Sex trade have nonexistance father's in their lives. Maybe, this "friend" of your's shows up and works himself into their lives filling this void. What does he get, I wrote, a woman that "many" (not all, but some) men would dream about having. That type of a woman is (hold on Steph, here comes a bad word) a whore. A woman a man can have sex with anytime he wants. I'll tell you a little story that may give you some insight into men who like the "seedier" type of woman. A friend of mine, a womenizer, cheated on every woman he ever knew, and every woman he ever meet loved him. He was a high profile government worker and everyone in town knew him. And he carried a badge, made over a 6 figure income. My wife and I have seen him with many, many girlfriends - some well bred and some not. Then one day he finds himself a "new" girlfriend. A seedy, well worn, drug usin', booze drinkin' hard livin -- girlfriend, a whore. Now this is the interesting part, I NEVER saw him prouder! He took this girl everywhere. I don't understant it - but this type of woman really turned him on. And he figured that it turned everyone else on too. It didn't, but he thought it did! Please reread the last two sentences. He figured and He thought..... It may NOT be true but he thought it was. My wife does not "get it" either. This friend of mine could have any woman he wants and he picks a "seedy" one??? Now this man friend of yours: does he fit the above, I do not know and you, more than likely, don't either. But it's safe to bet that he enjoys being seen with them. With seedy, exotic dancers, (whores?) If I have upset you with this, as it seems I did with my last comment, I'm very sorry. My wife used to get really mad about our friend too. But, more than likely, I do NOT know what I'm talking about so any points I make should be taken with that in mind. |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: guzzi-ga on 09 Feb 2005 16:32 PST |
Hi Steph, ?twas a wry compliment -- meaning interesting and varied, not humdrum. Your comments (always worth reading) bear testimony to your having ?lived? :-) Best |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: steph53-ga on 09 Feb 2005 18:05 PST |
Thanks for all the comments everyone!!! Some very insightful thoughts here. Just4fun2: Thanks for your second post and the story about your womanizer friend. Wow, hard to believe that this guy "prefers" this type of a woman...but then I'm not surprised... Since posting my question, I've learned that this man dated one of the dancers for over a year a long time ago. Wherever they went, she caused a ruckus with her "potty mouth" and wild drinking. He was actually banned from some clubs if he was bringing her!!! Hard to believe but true. Of interest here, he claims they only "slept" together once in whole time that they were dating ??? Guzzi... Thanks ...yeah I've lead a pretty interesting ( to say the least )life...heheh;) Steph53 |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: probonopublico-ga on 09 Feb 2005 23:30 PST |
Hi, Steph A British Prime Minister - William Ewart Gladstone (1809 - 1898) - also got his kicks from 'rescuing' fallen ladies. So maybe your friend's friend is training to become a politician? Remember you heard it here first! Bryan |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: frde-ga on 13 Feb 2005 06:36 PST |
And of course there was Profumo Then Jellicoe ... Fact is, tarts can be quite interesting |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 13 Feb 2005 10:01 PST |
And David Mellor, there seems to be no end to them. |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Feb 2005 10:06 PST |
And Lord Jeffrey Archer also liked a frolic (allegedly). |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 13 Feb 2005 10:12 PST |
And then it even happened the other way round when the owner of a house of 'relaxation' for stressed government ministers and senior members of the establishment ran for parliament. Who remembers Cynthia Payne and her 'Payne and Pleasure' campaign? |
Re: Cavorting with Exotic Dancers
From: frde-ga on 14 Feb 2005 01:02 PST |
And of course it goes the other way too A few years ago a couple of guys I used to work with, visited an ex-USSR Republic to meet with a government department. They rustled up a couple of local English teachers to play 'hostess'. Very 'official' hospitality. |
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