There are several alternate names for this style of facial hair,
including "imperial," "attilio," and "mouche." If I had to choose one
of these terms as the "correct" one, I'd select "imperial," which is
the only one of the terms to appear in Merriam-Webster's Unabridged
[French impériale, from feminine of impérial imperial, from Late Latin
imperialis; from the beard worn as a young man by Napoleon III died
1873 emperor of France] : a pointed beard growing below the lower
Here are some online references:
"Perhaps an imperial is just my style. An imperial, aka a soul patch,
is that little triangular tuft of hair directly below the bottom lip.
(It's named in homage to Napoleon III, the emperor who often sported
the look.)"
Honolulu Advertiser
"What is the name of the beard style that covers only a small area
below the lower lip?
This style of beard is commonly referred to as a 'soul patch', or an
'imperial'. It is sometimes called a 'mouche', which is French for a
Beard Guy: Beard FAQ
"Beard: I have no moustache, but a respectable goatee (aka chin
whiskers, aka poets' beard) which grows to the bottom right - not
straight down. Since before that I've had a soul patch (aka attilio,
aka imperial, aka mouche), which is a bit wimpy. This combination
doesn't get weird looks at work because until recently a co-worker had
a chin curtain (aka Mennonite/Amish beard)."
"Soul Patch: a small area below the lower lip that does not reach to
the chin; experienced a rise in popularity in the second half of the
90's; sort of a lower lip equivalent of the 'Hitler'/"Chaplin"
mustache; also called an attilio."
Pulp Explosion
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "soul patch" imperial OR attilio OR mouche
I hope this is helpful. If anything is unclear or incomplete, please
request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance before
you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |