I have a name registered to godaddy.com. I am trying to set up a
website that resolves 4 issues (this is not a 4 part question). I was
going to use a godaddy website builder however they are only suitable
for Windows and I was not too enthusiastic about the design.
Anyway, doing research i stumbled into expression engine. I am
familiar with typepad and have a blog and I cannot figure out this
thing for the life of me. The templates stink that they have. I
downloaded the trail version, tried for an entire day to figure this
out to no avail. I do think they have the easiest interface setting
up members, email lists to them, certain fields to type, etc. I need
that info.
All this is letting you know where I am skill wise.
I want my front page to be something like itunes or apple page,
thre(text only is fine in the beginning). This would most resemble
something like citysearch or ebay listings.
I would like comments to be available, and I would like members, plus
an ecommerce where people can buy the product.
What is the easiest way to build and maintain something like this. A
builder is fine.
I also have all the applicable programs (dreamweaver, etc) as well.
It would be important for members to sign into their own personal
folder as well (like things they have bought) this is really not
hugely important at the moment, but would be something I can expand
Thanks! |