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Bestiality laws
Category: Relationships and Society > Law Asked by: highvoltageblond-ga List Price: $30.00 |
11 Feb 2005 14:46 PST
Expires: 13 Mar 2005 14:46 PST Question ID: 473091 |
What are the laws about bestiality or zoophilia in America? What are the legal definitions and the fines imposed on people charged with and convicted of bestiality or zoophilia acts that are illegal? | |
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Re: Bestiality laws
Answered By: markj-ga on 11 Feb 2005 18:59 PST Rated: ![]() |
highvoltageblond -- Surprisingly enough, there is indeed a "Bestiality Central" online (not X-rated either) that has the information you are seeking -- a rundown of the (30) states in which bestiality is specifically outlawed, along with a summary of the penalties that can be imposed for violating these laws in each state. Here is a link to the information: Totse: Bestiality Laws from Around the World http://www.totse.com/en/law/justice_for_all/beastlaw.html Although this compilation appears to be several years old, I believe that it is likely to be accurate because there are more recent sources that state that the total number of states that have such laws is 30, which is the same number listed at the site linked above. Here are links to two of those confirming sources: "Justice Kennedy's logic is applied to other behaviors, then anything consensual that takes place in private can no longer be considered illegal. Therefore, when a zoophile ? the politically correct label given to those who engage in bestiality ? decides to challenge one of the 30 existing state laws that declare his or her private activity a crime, the Supreme Court will have to rule those statutes unconstitutional." Lifwway: An Unnecessary Boost to the Gay Rights Movement http://www.lifeway.com/lwc/article_main_page/0,1703,A%253D153807%2526M%253D150019,00.html "NOTE: Bestial porn is illegal under current federal obscenity codes. Bestiality is specifically illegal in 30 states. Animal abuse/cruelty laws have been and can be used in all states. In other words, there are NO states where bestiality is legal." Focus Adolescent Services: Teen Sexual Behaviors: Issues and Concerns http://www.focusas.com/SexualBehavior.html Search Strategy: The following Google searches led to the information and gave me reasonable confidence that there is no contrary online information: bestiality state laws ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-01,GGLD:en&q=bestiality+state+laws bestiality state laws 30 ://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&c2coff=1&rls=GGLD%2CGGLD%3A2004-01%2CGGLD%3Aen&q=bestiality+state+laws+30 I am confident that this is the information you are looking for. If anything is unclear, please ask for clarification before rating the answer. markj-ga |
rated this answer:![]() I had already found totse.com myself, but wasn't that interested because it's from 1997. If you know of any recent cases of actual cases charged, or states where this is legal -- not just protected under cruelty of animals clause -- that would be very helpful! If you need to narrow geographical area, NY and CA are my choices. Thanks! |
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Re: Bestiality laws
From: pinkfreud-ga on 11 Feb 2005 17:54 PST |
Unless there is some sort of "Bestiality Central" website which gives details on the laws of all 50 states, this is essentially going to be fifty separate research projects. You may want to consider raising your price considerably. (Maybe there is a "Bestiality Central" site, of course. If so, I would rather not know about it.) |
Re: Bestiality laws
From: pinkfreud-ga on 11 Feb 2005 19:16 PST |
Great work, markj! I confess that I didn't have the nerve to even try a Google search on this subject, since I was worried that I might be disconcerted by some of what tends to show up in searches on subjects of this type. |
Re: Bestiality laws
From: highvoltageblond-ga on 12 Feb 2005 07:40 PST |
I already found the Bestiality site totse.com, but because it is from 1997, I thought that perhaps I could get some help on finding something more current. I'm interested in specific allowances of bestiality or cases that were prosecuted and what the fines are -- the specifics that I could not find on my own google searches, that maybe you can, that would be great. If you have to narrow it down, I'd choose NY and CA. Thanks!! |
Re: Bestiality laws
From: markj-ga on 12 Feb 2005 08:41 PST |
highvoltageblond -- Thanks for the rating, and here is additional information that you requested: As I noted in my answer, the fact that very current sources say that 30 states specifcally outlaw the practice gives me reasonable confidence that the 1997 information is still accurate in that regard. As for the specifics on New York and California law, here are links to the relevant statutory provisions of each state, which are consistent with the 1997 information: New York Crime: ASPCA: New York Penal Law: Section 130.20 http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pagename=nys_l_3_h_120_130_20 Penalty (Class A Misdemeanor): "Class A misdemeanor. A sentence of imprisonment for a class A misdemeanor shall be a definite sentence. When such a sentence is imposed the term shall be fixed by the court, and shall not exceed one year . . . ." Marijuana Reform: New York State Penal Code, Section 70.15 http://www.marijuanareform.org/staticpages/index.php?page=20030924142300557 California Crime: FindLaw: California Penal Code, Section 286.5 http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cacodes/pen/281-294.html Penalty (Misdemeanor): "The maximum penalty allowed in California for a misdemeanor is one year in county jail and/or a fine." Guide to California Courts http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/reference/guide-traffic.htm markj-ga |
Re: Bestiality laws
From: therealjehovah-ga on 29 Nov 2005 21:15 PST |
Try BeastForum.com. that site helped a lot with the issue. |
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