I am seeking information on how to score two psychological assessment instruments:
1) The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) -- developed by Robert Cloninger;
2) The Multiple-Item Measure of Adult Romantic Attachment (MIMARA) --
can be found in its entirety in: Brennan KA; Shver PR. IN: Touliatos
J; Perlmutter BF & Straus MA (2001). Handbook of family measurement
techniques. (3 vols.) Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. V.2,
pg.93; v.3, pg.179-181
I have already administered these tests and am looking for actual
scoring instructions/templates/protocols/rubrics so as to properly
interpret my subjects' responses on each instrument. My search so far
on-line (including the use of World Cat) has been unsucessful!
Thank you! Matt |
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Feb 2005 17:17 PST
Hello mattspalding-ga,
1) Cloninger's book, "The temperament and character inventory (TCI): A
guide to its development and use" is out of print. I can give you
contact information for Dr. Cloninger so you can get the scoring
instructions from him.
2) According to the description of the Sage Publication you refer to,
the scoring instructions are included in Volume 3. Do you have access
to this publication? Are you looking for some other source for
interpreting the MIMARA?
"Volume 3 contains 168 of the instruments abstracted in Volume 2,
reproducing them in full along with their scoring instructions."
Please let me know if thise information is sufficient to answer you
question. Thanks.
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
13 Feb 2005 00:26 PST
Dear czh,
Thank you for your expedient and thoughtful response. It appears that
I didn't make myself sufficiently clear in my question, as I was
seeking the actual scoring instructions to both tests and not simply
references pointing towards them. (I did not want to have to travel
to libraries to get the books and have already tried unsucessfully to
correspond with Dr. Cloninger.) I thus already had the information
that you provided, though should have better clarified my original
question. Thank you in any case for your diligent efforts, which are
greatly appreciated.
Clarification of Question by
15 Feb 2005 10:02 PST
Dear czh,
Perhaps I again made my intentions unclear in my last clarification
(this is my first posting, so thanks for your patience!) I am still
in need of actual copies of the scoring instructions for both the TCI
and MIMARA. While you were very helpful in clarifying my question, I
am still in need of the actual information I asked for. Any
assistance that you can provide me would be greatly appreciated (and
perhaps you're still working on the response to my original
clarification, in which case I apologize for pestering you!)
Thanks, Matt
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Feb 2005 10:26 PST
Hello again mattspalding-ga,
Your clarifications have given me an excellent understanding of what
you're looking for. I've already spent quite a lot of time on your
question and discovered that finding you what you need will be
somewhat difficult. In light of the price you've set, I reluctantly
let go of your question.
As a first time user, I suggest that you review the pricing guidelines
so you can guage the situation with the answer you're looking for.
Good luck.
~ czh ~