Hello again, and thanks for your clarification.
I must say, this Bjorkquist fellow has more spellings of his name than
you can shake a stick at. However, I did manage to pin down his
business. Also, he may very well be a she...I had assumed "Lars" to
be a masculine name, but perhaps not always.
First off, a visit to the Colorado Secretary of State's Corporations
page allows searches for individual names of business registrants at:
A search on [ BJORKQUIST ] turned up the following:
List of Registered Agents, Reserved Name Holders and Trademark Registrants
Registered Agent
ID # Entity Name Entity Type Date Filed Entity Status
1 19891006718 K.M.L. ENTERPRISE, INC. Corporation 02/02/1989 GOOD
ID Number: 19891006718
Registered Agent: LARS BJORKQUIST
Registered Agent Street Address: 701 RAILROAD AVE, DOLORES, CO 81323,
United States
Registered Agent Mailing Address: PO BOX 307, DOLORES, CO 81323, United States
Status: Good Standing
Form: Corporation
Jurisdiction: Colorado
Formation Date: 02/02/1989
Term of Duration: Perpetual
Annual Report Month: February
ID number: 19891006718
In sum, then, Lars Bjorkquist is the registered agent for a business
by the name of KML Enterprise, Inc in Dolores, Colorado.
Clicking on the option to "View History and Documents" for KML
Enterprise turns up a history of their filings with the state going
back to 1989, all of which are viewable online....I've duplicated the
list here:
Found 24 matching record(s). Viewing page 1 of 2.
# Event Date Filed Date Posted EffectiveDate Document #
1 Articles of Incorporation 02/02/1989 02/02/1989 02/02/1989
12:00AM 19891006718 K.M.L. ENTERPRISE, INC.
2 Report Printed 01/16/1991 01/16/1991 01/16/1991 12:00AM
CR - 02/01/91 - 04/30/91
3 Report Printed 05/25/1991 05/25/1991 05/25/1991 12:00AM
CR - 05/31/91 - SA 07/31/91
4 Status Changed 08/01/1991 08/01/1991 08/01/1991 12:00AM
5 Reinstatement 05/26/1993 05/26/1993 05/26/1993 12:00AM 19931055738
6 Periodic Report 05/26/1993 05/26/1993 05/26/1993 12:00AM
19931055738 CORP REPORT
7 Report Printed 01/17/1995 01/17/1995 01/17/1995 12:00AM
CR - 02/01/95 - 04/30/95
8 Periodic Report 04/10/1995 04/10/1995 04/10/1995 12:00AM
19951046066 CORP REPORT
9 Periodic Report 12/14/1996 12/14/1996 12/14/1996 12:00AM
19931055738 CR91 - 05/26/93 - 931055738
10 Report Printed 01/21/1997 01/21/1997 01/21/1997 12:00AM
CR - 02/01/97 - 04/30/97
11 Amendment 02/10/1997 02/10/1997 02/10/1997 12:00AM
19971020215 CHANGE RORA
12 Periodic Report 02/10/1997 02/10/1997 02/10/1997 12:00AM
13 Report Printed 01/14/1999 01/14/1999 01/14/1999 12:00AM
CR - 02/01/1999 - 04/30/1999
14 Periodic Report 02/11/1999 02/11/1999 02/11/1999 12:00AM
15 Report Printed 01/19/2001 01/19/2001 01/19/2001 12:00AM
PR - 02/01/2001 - 04/30/2001
16 Amendment 03/21/2001 03/21/2001 03/21/2001 12:00AM
20011059731 CHANGE RORA
17 Periodic Report 03/21/2001 03/21/2001 03/21/2001 12:00AM
20011059731 CORP REPORT
18 Report Printed 01/18/2002 01/18/2002 01/18/2002 12:00AM
PR - 02/01/2002 - 04/30/2002
19 Periodic Report 03/11/2002 03/11/2002 03/11/2002 12:00AM
20021059116 CORP REPORT
20 Report Printed 01/24/2003 01/24/2003 01/24/2003 12:00AM
PR - 02/01/2003 - 04/30/2003
21 Periodic Report 03/17/2003 03/17/2003 03/17/2003 12:00AM
20031087556 CORP REPORT
22 Report Printed 01/15/2004 01/15/2004 01/15/2004 12:00AM
PR - 02/01/2004 - 04/30/2004
23 Periodic Report 04/02/2004 04/02/2004 04/02/2004 12:00AM
24 postcard notification printed 01/20/2005 to be
mailed 02/01/2005 01/20/2005 01/20/2005 01/20/2005 2:31AM
annual report due: 04/30/2005
Most of these are of very little interest, as they merely repeat the
name and address information already given above.
However, the original Articles of Incorporation from 1989 include some
additional information:
"K.M.L. Enterprise, Inc is hereby organized for the purpose of
promoting the tourism business and motel operations..."
Lars Bjorkquist is listed as both the Registered Agent as well as a
corporate director, along with two other directors:
Kjel Westberg
Maria Westberg
All three are at the same address 701 Hwy 145, Dolores, CO 81323
Presumably, Kjel, Maria and Lars are the K,M and L behind KML Enterprise.
I mentioned that credit background reports are available for KML
Enterprise, and I'll provide some links for that later on. I was able
to check an abbreviated copy of a report, and found out several
interesting things:
--The business is estimated to do about $320,000 in sales per year,
employs 12 people, and is also listed under the business name of
Dolores Mountain Inn.
--Furthermore, the spelling of the owner's name was given as Lars
Bjorkqvist (note the "v" in place of the "u").
Once I had the name Dolores Mountain Inn, a good deal of additional
information opened up. The Inn itself hosts a website at:
701 Railroad Ave. Dolores, CO. 81323
The address is the same as KML Enterprise, though I saw no mention at
the site of Bjorquist's name.
However, a check of the whois records (the registration record for the
website for Dolores Mountain Inn, shows the following:
Registrant Info:
Dolores Mountain Inn
Lars Bjorkqvist
701 Railroad Ave.
Dolores, CO 81323
Phone: 970-882-7203
Fax..: 970-882-7011
Email: larsdmi@sprynet.com
So, the connection between Dolores Mountain Inn and Bjorkqvist is
confirmed, and the spelling variation with a "v" also reappears.
A Google search on both variations of the spelling turns up one significant result:
Cortez locals, officials respond to rally idea
Nov. 28, 2000
The Cortez Journal
"It would be awesome, just awesome to bring the rally to Montezuma
County; they should do what needs to be done to make it happen," said
Lars Bjorkqvist, owner of the Dolores Mountain Inn.
"A lot of bikers come through here and stay at my place, and they have
always been very respectful, never have bounced a check, and they do
not use my towels to clean their bikes," she said.
So...if the article is to be trusted, Lars Bjorkqvist is a
"she"...although the possibility of a simple typo here cannot be
Lastly, there are credit history reports commercially available for
KML Enterprise (aka Dolores Mountain Inn).
You can access the reports through Dun and Bradstreet's Small Business website:
Just enter the name KML Enterprise in the search box, select Colorado
as your state, and hit the "search" button. You'll be taken to an
option to purchase one of four reports:
Credit eValuator Report -- List Price: $24.99
Comprehensive Insight Plus Report --List Price: $139.00
SelfMonitor 2.0 -- List Price: $299.99
CreditBuilder -- List Price: $499.00
You can click on the link to "see example" to see a sample report for
each product, and get an idea of what you would be purchasing should
you choose to do so.
Well....I hope this meets your expectations. It was a tricky search
until I was able to make the Bjorkquist-Bjorkqvist-KML-Dolores
Mountain Inn connection. However, if there's anything else you need,
just post a Request for Clarification and let me know...I'm at your
All the best,
pafalafa-ga |