I've done some more digging on this (oddly intriguing) question of
yours, and here's what I've come up with.
A commercial database, Reference USA, is available at many libraries,
and is considered one of the largest and most reliable databases of
people in the US, containing the names and address listings for 120
million US households.
By accessing the listings for NYC by first name, I was able to
determine the following numbers for New York City:
PETE* (PETE or PETER)..........9,116
PIETR* (PIETRO or PIETRI)........163
TOTAL of Peter-like names.....12,460
According to the Census Bureau, Peter is the 43rd most popular male
name, and Peter's account for 0.381% of the male population:
based on an analysis of the 1990 Census.
The Census also tells us that there are approximately 3.8 million men in NYC:
Based on this, one would expect there to be 0.381% of the roughly 3.8
million men in NYC = 14,456 Peters in New York City.
This is greater than the number I arrived at, but still in the same ballpark.
There are many potential reasons for the discrepancy, the two most
likely (to my mind) are:
--the distribution of names in NYC is not quite the same as the
national distribution
--the Reference USA listings -- as massive as they appear to be -- may
still be undercounting the full population of New Yorkers.
Nevertheless, I think this is probably as close as one can get to an
accurate count.
I trust this information fully meets your needs for the best-available
count of Peters. However, please don't rate this answer until you
have everything you need. If you would like any additional
information, just post a Request for Clarification to let me know how
I can assist you further, and I'm at your service.
All the best,
pafalafa-ga |