Hello again, Dan.
Thank you for your kind words, and for giving me the opportunity to
answer your question. There are a few additional links I would like
you to be aware of.
The first is the Mexico Labor Department, with oversight for OSH issues:
In particular, you'll find the site for the Dirección General de
Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo at:
An interesting adjunct to the Mexican site is the home of the
TriNational Working Group on OSH matters:
North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation
Note the links to specific OSH topics in the US, Canada, and Mexico on
the lower left hand side of the page.
Another useful resource -- if you haven't seen it already -- might be
the ILO legislative site on OSH texts:
Legislative texts on OSH
Index of Countries, Provinces, Organizations
Clicking on a country name takes you to a list of OSH legislation and
other resources for that country, and clicking on a resource name
brings up a summary document, like this one for Mexico:
Federal Regulation on Occupational Safety and Health and on the
Working Environment [1997]
Abstract These new general regulations on OSH came into effect (except
for parts of Title II) on 21 Apr. 1997. They cover: I - General OSH
measures: definitions; responsibilities of employers and employees;
scope and role of Standards issued by the "Secretaría"; research,
authorization, evaluation and advisory activities of the "Secretaría".
II - Safety requirements in the workplace: buildings and workplaces;
fire prevention and protection; equipment, machinery, pressure
vessels, steam generators; electrical installations; tools; handling,
transportation and storage of materials in general, and of dangerous
chemical substances in particular. III - Occupational hygiene: noise
and vibration; ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; biological
hazards; work in abnormal air pressure; work under abnormal thermal
conditions; lighting; ventilation; personal protective equipment;
ergonomic considerations; welfare facilities; order and cleanliness.
IV - Safety and health organization in the workplace: generalities;
safety and health committees; notification of and statistics on
occupational accidents and diseases; OSH programmes in the workplace;
OSH training; preventive activity in occupational medicine and in OSH.
V - Protection of minors and of pregnant and nursing women. VI -
Enforcement, inspection and administrative sanctions. Several
Regulations, including the "1978 General Regulations on Safety and
Health" are abrogated.
Hope these links, along with those I provided earlier, fully meet your needs.
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