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Q: Market Segmentation and Market Growth ( Answered,   3 Comments )
Subject: Market Segmentation and Market Growth
Category: Health > Fitness and Nutrition
Asked by: splauch-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 14 Feb 2005 09:19 PST
Expires: 16 Mar 2005 09:19 PST
Question ID: 474363
How many people in the U.S. are on nutritional diets proscribed by
doctors now? What percentage growth has that group seen year over
year? What percentage growth has the group of U.S. citizens who want
to eat healthy without doctor's diets seen year over year?

Request for Question Clarification by bobbie7-ga on 14 Feb 2005 15:45 PST
Dear Splauch,

I posted my findings in the comment box for you to review.


Clarification of Question by splauch-ga on 16 Feb 2005 09:07 PST
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I meant prescribe... sorry.
One thing you might do is look up what ailments doctors prescribe
nutritional plans for and what sort of growth those ailments are

all the best,

Request for Question Clarification by bobbie7-ga on 16 Feb 2005 09:28 PST
Dear Charlie,

Thank you for getting back to me. I will get the information regarding
the type of ailments doctors prescribe nutritional plans for with the
growth of those ailments and I'll post my answer as soon as possible.

Subject: Re: Market Segmentation and Market Growth
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 16 Feb 2005 11:00 PST
Hello Charlie

Below you will find different diets prescribed by doctors for various ailments.
I am providing growth data for each one.


Calorie-modified diet 

Calorie-modified diets are prescribed to correct weight problems.


The number of adults who are overweight or obese has continued to increase.

Approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, 60
million obese, and 9 million severely obese.

?The number of adults who are overweight or obese has continued to
increase. Currently, 64.5 percent of U.S. adults, age 20 years and
older, are overweight and 30.5 percent are obese. Severe obesity
prevalence is now 4.7 percent, up from 2.9 percent reported in the
1988 - 1994 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).?

American Obesity Association

From Health United States 2004:

 ?The prevalence of overweight and obesity among adults 20?74 years of
age increased from 47 percent in 1976?80 to 65 percent in 1999?2002.
During this period the prevalence of obesity among adults 20?74 years
of age increased from 15 to 31 percent.?

Health, United States, 2004
Page 27 
U.S. Department of health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 


Low-salt diet

A low salt diet is usually prescribed for hypertension.

From Health United States 2004:

According to table 67, Hypertension among persons 20 years of age and
over, 1988?94 and 1999?2002, hypertension in the United States has
been increasing.

1988?1994    -    21.7 (0.6) Percent of population
1999?2002 -       25.5 (0.9) Percent of population

U.S. Department of health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Health, United States, 2004, Page 172
Table 67. Hypertension among persons 20 years of age and over,
according to sex, age, race, and Hispanic origin: United States,
1988?94 and 1999?2002


Protein-modified diet

People have an increased need for protein due to protein-calorie
malnutrition for   conditions such as AIDS and cancer.


There has been an increase in cases of Aids

From Health United States 2004:

Year   Cases
2000  - 40,165
2001 -  41,312
2002 -  42,478
2003 -  44,232

U.S. Department of health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Health, United States, 2004, Page 142
Table 52. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases, according
to age at diagnosis, sex, detailed race, and Hispanic origin: United
States, selected years 1985?2003


Incidence rates for all cancers combined have been declining.

From Health United States 2004:

?Mortality from cancer, the second leading cause of death, decreased
more than 1 percent in 2002, continuing the decline that began in
1990. Overall cancer age-adjusted
death rates rose from 1960 to 1990 and then reversed direction.?

 ?Incidence rates for all cancers combined declined in the 1990s for
males. Between 1990 and 2000 age-adjusted cancer incidence rates
declined on average 1 percent or more
per year for black males, non-Hispanic white males, and American
Indian or Alaska Native males. Although there was no significant
change in cancer incidence for females overall, among non-Hispanic
white females and Asian or Pacific Islander females, cancer incidence
increased on average 0.4 percent per year between 1990 and 2000, a
significant Increase.?

See Table 53 on page 143 of the Health, United States, 2004 report for
the number of new cases by year.

U.S. Department of health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Health, United States, 2004, Page 143


Low-purine diet

It is usually prescribed as part of a treatment program for gout


Gout prevalence has increased 
?Interestingly, while alcohol consumption in the United States has
declined over the past 2 decades, gout prevalence has increased, but
this is probably related to the increase in the other factors such as
hypertension, obesity, diuretic therapy, and the metabolic syndrome.?
Medscape: The Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Gout

The prevalence of gout has been rising in the US and Europe in recent years.
Estimates have put it at: 

5-29 per 1,000 males 
1-6 per 1,000 females.


Low-cholesterol diet

A low Low-cholesterol diet is usually prescribed for heart disease.

Dietary modification is the first weapon in the fight against the high
cholesterol levels that contribute to heart disease and

From Health United States 2004:

Growth - heart disease deaths have been decreasing

According to table 36, Death rates for heart disease by sex, race,
Hispanic origin, and age,1950-2002,   heart disease deaths have been

Deaths per 100,000 resident population

1950 - 586.8
1960 - 559.0
1970 - 492.7
1980 - 412.1
1990 - 321.8
2000 - 257.6
2001 - 247.8
2002 - 240.8

U.S. Department of health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Health, United States, 2004, table 36 Page 103
Death rates for heart disease by sex, race, Hispanic origin, and age, 1950-2002


Gluten-free diet

A Gluten-free diet is prescribed for Celiac disease

Growth data for this ailment is not available however the following information 
Taken from the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse
provides some interesting statistics:

?Until recently, celiac disease was thought to be uncommon in the
United States. However, studies have shown that celiac disease occurs
in an estimated 1 in 133 Americans. Among people who have a
first-degree relative diagnosed with celiac, as many as 1 in 22 people
may have the disease. A recent study in which random blood samples
from the Red Cross were tested for celiac disease suggests that as
many as 1 in every 250 Americans may have it. Celiac disease could be
underdiagnosed in the United States for a number of reasons:

Celiac symptoms can be attributed to other problems.
Many doctors are not knowledgeable about the disease.
Only a handful of U.S. laboratories are experienced and skilled in
testing for celiac disease.

More research is needed to find out the true prevalence of celiac
disease among Americans.?

National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse


For your convenience I am reposting my previous findings below.

How many people in the U.S. are on nutritional diets proscribed by doctors now? 

I did not find information for the number of Americans that are on
nutritional diets by doctors; however I can provide percentages of
Americans that seek weight loss advice from a doctor or health

15 percent of Americans have received advice from a doctor or health
professional about their weight

?According to a 1999 survey conducted by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, more than two-thirds of American adults are
trying to lose weight or keep from gaining weight, but many do not
follow guidelines recommending a combination of fewer calories and
more physical activity. Only 15 percent of Americans have received
advice from a doctor or health professional about their weight.?

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: October 2003

51 percent of Americans seek weight loss advice from a doctor or
health professional

?How They Want to Lose Weight:
? Eighty-six percent of Americans aim to lose weight gradually to keep
it off permanently.
? More than half of dieters (51 percent) seek weight loss advice from
a doctor or health professional and more than one-third (34 percent)
logon to a weight loss Web site.?

WCIAS News: September 2004


What percentage growth has that group seen year over year? 

According to the above articles there has been a significant growth of
Americans that seek weight loss advice from a doctor or health
professional; from 15 percent in 1999  to 51 percent in 2004.


What percentage growth has the group of U.S. citizens who want to eat
healthy without doctor's diets seen year over year?

From the NPD Group?s Annual Eating Patterns in America Report Press Release dated 
October 14, 2003.

Thirty-five percent of the population says they carefully plan their
meals to be nutritious; that?s up from 32 percent in 2001.

Fifty-three percent of the population tells NPD they frequently check
food labels in an effort to avoid harmful substances. That number is
up from 51 percent last year. "People are more proactive about their
health, checking food labels and avoiding fat. They have always had
the will to lose weight; now we are finally seeing an impact in their
behavior," said Balzer.

Naturalist Households on the Rise 

During the last several years, NPD has watched as the "naturalist"
households started to rise. "Naturalists" are classified as households
that tend to eat healthier foods. They made up 16 percent of
households in 2000 and jumped up to 21 percent in 2003. "Naturalists"
tend to be found in all age groups, but they prefer natural cereals,
home casseroles and baby carrots more than other households.

 ?For the first time in six years, America?s eating habits are moving
in a new direction. After gaining weight year after year since 1998,
The NPD Group?s 18th Annual Eating Patterns in America report finds
Americans lost weight in the last year and are eating healthier.?

?People are interested in a balanced diet; they ate more fruits and
vegetables last year than the year before and snacked less in the

?There is also a return to avoiding harmful substances. "People are
more concerned about fat, cholesterol, sugar and additives in their
diets than they have been.?

NPD Group?s Annual Eating Patterns in America Report

The NPD Group?s 19 th Annual Report on Eating Patterns in America
finds Americans are not snacking more, are not using more restaurant
take-out meals, are becoming more calorie conscious and are finally
getting their weight under control.

?In the new report, 27 percent of people say they are conscious of the
calories in their meals, the highest level since 1999. In addition,
the number of snack meals eaten per person per year was 250 for the
year ending February 2004, little changed from five years ago when it
was 253. And perhaps the most interesting news from NPD?s latest
report is that the percent of overweight Americans held at 62 percent*
for the second year in a row. Up until 2002, the percent of Americans
classified as overweight had increased every year since NPD began
tracking it in 1995.?

Some other key findings from the 19th Annual Report on Eating Patterns in America: 

?Americans are saying once again that they want full and regular
meals. Fifty-five percent of people feel it?s important to eat full
and regular meals vs. 52 percent two years ago.?
?The side dish is disappearing from the American dinner table.
Forty-five percent of dinners did not include a side dish-the highest
level since 1990.?
?Grill usage has reached a new high. Thirty-one percent of all
households use a grill on a regular basis, up from 25 percent in 1994?

?Once again, Americans are becoming concerned about sugar in their
diets. Twenty-two percent of Americans are concerned about sugar, up
from 20 percent in 2003.?


?44% of the population is actively trying to lose weight. Of the
remaining 56%, 32% can be classified as Healthy Eaters, while the
remainder are not particularly concerned with their eating habits.?

Another report provides some very relevant data for Canada.

On page 17 there is a graph illustrating ?Doctor prescribed diets vs.
individual choice diets? by region from 1999-2003.

I hope my research meets your needs.

Best regards,
Subject: Re: Market Segmentation and Market Growth
From: bobbie7-ga on 14 Feb 2005 13:24 PST
Hello again Splauch,

I?ve been working on your question and would like to run my findings
by you first because I was not able to find the exact information you

If this information is satisfactory for your needs, please let me know
and I will post it as an answer to your question.

Or you could lower the price of your question according to the value
of my findings.
(You can change the price by going to "My Account," 
selecting "My Unanswered Questions", clicking on the question, and 
then clicking on "Change Question Parameters" to modify the pricing.) 

I look forward to your comments.

Thank you,


How many people in the U.S. are on nutritional diets proscribed by doctors now? 

I did not find information for the number of Americans that are on
nutritional diets by doctors; however I can provide percentages of
Americans that seek weight loss advice from a doctor or health

15 percent of Americans have received advice from a doctor or health
professional about their weight

?According to a 1999 survey conducted by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, more than two-thirds of American adults are
trying to lose weight or keep from gaining weight, but many do not
follow guidelines recommending a combination of fewer calories and
more physical activity. Only 15 percent of Americans have received
advice from a doctor or health professional about their weight.?

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: October 2003

51 percent of Americans seek weight loss advice from a doctor or
health professional

?How They Want to Lose Weight:
? Eighty-six percent of Americans aim to lose weight gradually to keep
it off permanently.
? More than half of dieters (51 percent) seek weight loss advice from
a doctor or health professional and more than one-third (34 percent)
logon to a weight loss Web site.?

WCIAS News: September 2004


What percentage growth has that group seen year over year? 

According to the above articles there has been a significant growth of
Americans that seek weight loss advice from a doctor or health
professional; from 15 percent in 1999  to 51 percent in 2004.


What percentage growth has the group of U.S. citizens who want to eat
healthy without doctor's diets seen year over year?

From the NPD Group?s Annual Eating Patterns in America Report Press Release dated 
October 14, 2003.

Thirty-five percent of the population says they carefully plan their
meals to be nutritious; that?s up from 32 percent in 2001.

Fifty-three percent of the population tells NPD they frequently check
food labels in an effort to avoid harmful substances. That number is
up from 51 percent last year. "People are more proactive about their
health, checking food labels and avoiding fat. They have always had
the will to lose weight; now we are finally seeing an impact in their
behavior," said Balzer.

Naturalist Households on the Rise 

During the last several years, NPD has watched as the "naturalist"
households started to rise. "Naturalists" are classified as households
that tend to eat healthier foods. They made up 16 percent of
households in 2000 and jumped up to 21 percent in 2003. "Naturalists"
tend to be found in all age groups, but they prefer natural cereals,
home casseroles and baby carrots more than other households.

 ?For the first time in six years, America?s eating habits are moving
in a new direction. After gaining weight year after year since 1998,
The NPD Group?s 18th Annual Eating Patterns in America report finds
Americans lost weight in the last year and are eating healthier.?

?People are interested in a balanced diet; they ate more fruits and
vegetables last year than the year before and snacked less in the

?There is also a return to avoiding harmful substances. "People are
more concerned about fat, cholesterol, sugar and additives in their
diets than they have been.?

NPD Group?s Annual Eating Patterns in America Report

The NPD Group?s 19 th Annual Report on Eating Patterns in America
finds Americans are not snacking more, are not using more restaurant
take-out meals, are becoming more calorie conscious and are finally
getting their weight under control.

?In the new report, 27 percent of people say they are conscious of the
calories in their meals, the highest level since 1999. In addition,
the number of snack meals eaten per person per year was 250 for the
year ending February 2004, little changed from five years ago when it
was 253. And perhaps the most interesting news from NPD?s latest
report is that the percent of overweight Americans held at 62 percent*
for the second year in a row. Up until 2002, the percent of Americans
classified as overweight had increased every year since NPD began
tracking it in 1995.?

Some other key findings from the 19th Annual Report on Eating Patterns in America: 

?Americans are saying once again that they want full and regular
meals. Fifty-five percent of people feel it?s important to eat full
and regular meals vs. 52 percent two years ago.?
?The side dish is disappearing from the American dinner table.
Forty-five percent of dinners did not include a side dish-the highest
level since 1990.?
?Grill usage has reached a new high. Thirty-one percent of all
households use a grill on a regular basis, up from 25 percent in 1994?

?Once again, Americans are becoming concerned about sugar in their
diets. Twenty-two percent of Americans are concerned about sugar, up
from 20 percent in 2003.?


?44% of the population is actively trying to lose weight. Of the
remaining 56%, 32% can be classified as Healthy Eaters, while the
remainder are not particularly concerned with their eating habits.?

Another report provides some very relevant data for Canada.

On page 17 there is a graph illustrating ?Doctor prescribed diets vs.
individual choice diets? by region from 1999-2003.
Subject: Re: Market Segmentation and Market Growth
From: frde-ga on 15 Feb 2005 05:19 PST
How many people in the U.S. are on nutritional diets proscribed by
doctors now? 

You do know that 'proscribed' means 'banned' ?
Subject: Re: Market Segmentation and Market Growth
From: splauch-ga on 16 Feb 2005 09:06 PST
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I meant prescribe... sorry.
One thing you might do is look up what ailments doctors prescribe
nutritional plans for and what sort of growth those ailments are

all the best,

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