According to the full list of country codes, which can be browsed in
numerical order, on the British Telecom website, no
country has a code of 325. 32 is the code for Belgium. Area codes
that could then apply, because they would cause a 5 to follow the 32,
are: Aalst 53, Blankenberge 50, Brugge 50, Dendermonde 52, Ieper 57,
Kortrijk 56, Ninove 54, Ostende 59, Roeselare 51, Ronse-Renaix 55,
Veurne 58, and Zeebrugge 50.
If you wish to check this, go to the BT web site as given above,
select Site Map, and then the link to International Directory
Enquiries. On the enquiry page, select "select by country code" and
you will be presented with a list of countries in numerical order of
their codes. |