Hello Gregoryew,
I will assume you understand Visual Basic pretty well and want to
focus on how to get your program to work well with web pages. I will
start with a few references that describe an end-to-end solution.
Follow one or more of these through and you will have a working
program (or close to one) when you get done.
1. COM Training Outline.
This article, published at the Visual Basic Web Magazine provides a
complete example with a number of helpful hints about essential steps
that you may overlook.
2. From "Microsoft Internet Developer", the article "Advanced Basics:
Creating Internet Applications with Visual Basic".
This article goes into some detail as well as including the source
code (a separate download) for the example program. There is also a
follow up article that addresses issues with IIS more fully as well
(link at end of this article).
3. A Microsoft Journal article titled "Build MTS Components with
Visual Basic for Deployment in Your ASP-Based Apps"
Another good overview of the entire process. Goes into some more
detail on some settings than the other articles.
Reference Books.
In addition to these on line resources, you can get additional
information from:
Developing ASP Components -- Second Edition by Shelley Powers, 2001
VB COM: A Visual Basic Programmer?s Introduction to COM by Thomas
Lewis, 1999
Professional MTS MSMQ With VB and ASP by Alex Homer and David Sussman,
Your local library may have copies of these or other books as well.
Final Suggestions:
In addition to these, I would suggest a few guidelines for your first
- Start with something simple, run it (fix it), and then add more
- Consult a few other sites. A good search for this is something like
ASP MTS COM "visual basic"
will identify several sites with tutorials, source code, and so on.
- Continue to do research on this (or related topics) so you don't
get stale. For example, XML and SOAP are the up and coming
I don't expect you to be an expert from this, but it should get you a
long way towards mastery of these techniques.
--Maniac |