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Sexual predators
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: shantichristo-ga List Price: $2.00 |
16 Feb 2005 12:21 PST
Expires: 18 Mar 2005 12:21 PST Question ID: 475593 |
What is the researched recovery rate for Convicted sexual predators. Treatment recommendations. | |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Sexual predators
From: lrulrick-ga on 16 Feb 2005 12:56 PST |
You may find these sites helpful http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/reports/2003-06-recidivism.html http://www.inpsyte.ca/alexander.html (has tables to show data) http://www.springtimeonline.net/CastrationPaper.html http://www.johnhoward.ab.ca/PUB/PDF/C24.pdf#search='sexual%20offenders%20treatment%20rates' This site shows treatment programs: http://www.johnhoward.ab.ca/PUB/respaper/treatm02.htm Does treatment work? :http://www.beachildshero.com/doestreatmentwork.htm http://psychservices.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/50/3/349 *************************************** Personal Opinion Now Being Given (mostly because until google says I can't- I can give it) I firmly believe that a sexual predator (as the term implies and not nessasarily a 18 year old that has sex with a 17 year old breaking some sort of law and getting arrested for it) can never be completely treated and cured. Although you may be able to take them away form potential victims- they still are what they are. Even the best treatments have been know to fail. As an alcoholic is always an alcoholic dispite the fact that they may not have had a drink in 40 years- they always are susceptible to "falling off the wagon" and returning to alcohal. The only treatment that I believe may actually work with a 100% postitive outcome would be death. But then again that is just my thoughts. |
Re: Sexual predators
From: steph53-ga on 16 Feb 2005 15:31 PST |
Castration would also work, lrulrick... I believe I heard of such a case. The accused was given a choice of possible parole if he agreed to castration. Steph53 |
Re: Sexual predators
From: lrulrick-ga on 16 Feb 2005 20:37 PST |
Steph53- At first consideration I would agree with you, however many believe that sexual offenders are often not always basing their actions in a "sexual manner" as one would consider the crime to be. Often it involves more of a over powering, a belittling of the person they are assulting and a mental struggle in which they feel the need to make their victims to be weaker. You must take into consideration that not all sexual acts can be detered by castration. Many acts of sexual violance are done without any penetration of offenders sexual organ. ANd if what they are obtaining is not sexual gratification, but mental gratification by the victimizing of another- they will likely continue their abuse even after castration. If you look at child molesters, many use no penetraion means at all- yet they are most certainly sexual predators. So I must stick with my belief that death is the only 100% treatment option when looking for a true "cure". |
Re: Sexual predators
From: probonopublico-ga on 16 Feb 2005 21:32 PST |
Hmmmmmmm What sexist remarks ...... Surely, it is not politically correct to imply that ALL sexual predators are male? |
Re: Sexual predators
From: grthumongous-ga on 16 Feb 2005 22:27 PST |
I read something in the paper about 8 months ago that gave a ghastly picture of "true" re-offending rates, not just the subset who are caught again. I can't find it now. But as I recall, the "treated" sexual offender was only slightly better than the "untreated" sexual offender andt that nearly *half* of them did it it again either way. In other words the so-called treatments did not do much. The only real treatment was old age. Here is a UK study that emphasises that re-conviction rates are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sexual offenders. http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs2/r183.pdf |
Re: Sexual predators
From: lrulrick-ga on 17 Feb 2005 05:25 PST |
I am hoping that you did not take my comment as sexist- I purely said why castration was not a foul proof treatment option. I did not mean to imply that only men are offenders- and thought that my comments left room for others to see that castration would not work because the acts are not always with pentration. Which would allow room for the female offenders in there. I completely understand the fact that there are many women predators- and that a larger number of them more than likely go unreported due to the fact that they are women. I attempt not to be sexist. Sorry if it came off that way. |
Re: Sexual predators
From: wyvernsoul-ga on 23 Feb 2005 19:02 PST |
If someone is classified as a Sexual Predator, the law assumes that there is no recovery possible. That is why, in virtually every jurisdiction in the United States, adjudicated Sexual Predators have stringent reporting and notification requirements for the rest of their lives. There are a few classifications of sexual offenders: "Sexually-Oriented Offender," "Habitual Sexual Offender," and "Sexual Predator." Each has different reporting requirements, with Sexual Predator being the most stringent. Also, someone suggested castration. While that sound attractive, many male Sexual Predators fondle their victims or make their victims have sex with others. Thus, even a castrated male Predator can still cause incredible damage to a child. Additionally, the vast majority of sexual offenders are male. Some are women, but most are men. |
Re: Sexual predators
From: frequenttraveller-ga on 19 Mar 2005 04:48 PST |
I believe the comments refering to male sexual predators are a generalisation rather than an unfair discrimination. There are undoubtedly many female sexual abusers - but the fact is that for each one there are many, many more male sexual abusers. I work in a rape centre with survivors of rape and sexual abuse, and have learned through my work that the major causative factor tends to be power rather than lust. It is not uncommon for objects (even weapons) to be inserted into the survivor instead of the abuser's bodily parts - and even when penile penetration occurs it is often not accompanied by ejaculation. The abuse is ususally arranged so as to cause maximum degradation and to leave the survivor powerless. Sadly I have to disagree with grthumongous's comment that "The only real treatment was old age" as I have encountered situations where abuse begun in childhood (and continuing through the survivor's adulthood) has only ended on the death (in old age) of the abuser. I'm unable to fathom the things some human beings will do, and take enjoyment from doing, to others - but this is actually something I take solace in. |
Re: Sexual predators
From: luciustave-ga on 19 Mar 2005 15:10 PST |
The overwhelming majority of known sexual offenders is indeed male. Is it sexist to point out that fact? |
Re: Sexual predators
From: grthumongous-ga on 03 May 2005 18:52 PDT |
"Emerging but controversial research has found no substantial evidence that hard-core pedophiles can be treated" http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1115070618423&call_pageid=968350130169&col=969483202845 |
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