Derive coefficients from a set of data points
Category: Science > Math Asked by: rwallacej-ga List Price: $50.00 |
16 Feb 2005 13:10 PST
Expires: 18 Mar 2005 13:10 PST Question ID: 475628 |
I am trying to write software that does some engineering calculations. I currently use Micrsoft Excel but now have to write the new program independent of Excel. In Excel, I used the function called "LINEST" I don't know the algorithm that LINEST uses and need to come up with this somehow. I am trying to "derive the polynomial co-efficients from a set of data points. Depending on the data spread the polynomial may need to be anything from 3rd to 6th order. Is there a "standard" way of doing this? As long as it is reasonably accurate we'll be happy. i.e. given a set of typically 10 points x1, y1 x2,y2 x3,y3...............x10,y10 we need to calculate the coefficients a,b,c,d,e,f for each term in the corresponding polynomial ax5 + bx4 + cx3 + dx2 + ex + f = y? Ideally the solution should be given in VB.net. I don't want to have to buy add-in software so need the source code. | |
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Re: Derive coefficients from a set of data points
From: hfshaw-ga on 17 Feb 2005 13:08 PST |
If the number of data points (observations) is greater than the order of the polynomial you wish to fit, then you presumably want to use a least squares method to determine the best estimate of the parameters in the polynomial equation. There are zillions of websites out there that explain the basic idea of least squares. For example, see: http://www.efunda.com/math/leastsquares/leastsquares.cfm http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFitting.html http://hilltop.bradley.edu/~jhahn/note7.pdf and many more Of course, there are even more of those old standbys, "books" that cover this topic in infinite detail. A good, simple introduction is "Data Reduction and Error ANalysis for the Physical Sciences", 1969 by P.R. Bevington. The specific application of least squares to fitting a polynomial is also discussed in many web sites. For example, see: http://www.efunda.com/math/leastsquares/lstsqrmdcurve.cfm http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFittingPolynomial.html Again, there are bazillions of books out there that cover this, many of which include code for polynomial fitting routines (e.g., the FORTRAN routine POLFIT in the book by Bevington mentioned above). Finally, there are lots of commercial outfits out there who will happily sell you code libraries to do least squares fitting (among other things). For instance, http://www.eobj.com/eolsfit-dll.html. |
Re: Derive coefficients from a set of data points
From: timogose-ga on 25 Feb 2005 07:41 PST |
Hello, I solved and programmed this (and similar problems about ten years ago) in QBasic. I am posting that LeastSquare solution below. I would have produced a VB.NET solution if I were Google Reasearcher or had the time. You should be able to do that if familiar with the BASIC programming language. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM TO RUN THIS PROGRAM, PRESS F5 15 CLS 0: PRINT CHR$(7), "VARIABLE PAIR LEAST SQUARE POLYNOMIAL REPRESENTATION (MAY '95)" 20 PRINT "DESIGNED BY 'TIMOGOSE'" 22 INPUT "ARE YOU USING A PRINTER (Y/N) ", PTER$ 24 IF PTER$ = "Y" THEN PE = 1: LPRINT "PROGRAM 'LEASTSQ' ; DESIGNER : 'TIMOGOSE' (M.Sc)" 30 PRINT "GIVEN P POINTS OF AN ORDERED PAIR (X,Y),THE PROGRAMM GENERATES ANY" 40 PRINT "DESIRED MTH DEGREE POLYNOMIAL Y=M(X) [M<=P-1] THAT GIVES BEST FIT" 50 INPUT "NUMBER OF POINTS ", P%: P = P%: G = 180: IF P > 10 THEN G = 250 60 IF P < 2 OR P > 254 THEN PRINT "BE REALISTIC": GOTO 50 70 REDIM H(P), F(255, P), E(P, P), C(P), G$(P), XX$(P), Y$(P), A(P, P), B(P, 1), X(G, P), V(P, P), Y(P), Z(P) 75 GOTO 100 80 INPUT "DESIRED DEGREE OF POLYNOMIAL (NUMERIC) ", M%: M = M%: N = M + 1 90 IF M < 1 OR M > P - 1 THEN PRINT "RIDICULOUS VALUE [ 1 < = M < ="; P - 1; "]": GOTO 80 95 GOTO 200 100 PRINT "THE PAIRS ARE (X,Y) " 110 FOR I = 1 TO P: PRINT "COORDINATE "; I: INPUT H(I): INPUT C(I): NEXT I 115 CLS 0: PRINT "X" 120 FOR I = 1 TO P: PRINT H(I); : NEXT I: PRINT 125 PRINT "Y" 130 FOR I = 1 TO P: PRINT C(I); : NEXT I: PRINT 140 INPUT "ARE THERE ERRORS IN THE ENTRIES (Y/N) ", ER$ 150 IF ER$ = "N" THEN GOSUB 620: GOTO 80 160 INPUT "NUMBER OF POINT LOCATIONS TO CORRECT ", PP 170 FOR I = 1 TO PP: PRINT "LOCATION "; I; 172 INPUT "LOCATION COORDINATE ", PCO 173 IF PCO < 1 OR PCO > P THEN PRINT "OUTSIDE RANGE ": GOTO 172 174 PRINT "X,Y OF LOCATION COORDINATE "; PCO 175 INPUT H(PCO): INPUT C(PCO): NEXT I 176 GOTO 115 200 REM SHALL SOLVE LINEAR SYSTEM BY GAUSS-SEIDEL 250 IF M > 127 OR M = P - 1 THEN 350 260 F(0, P) = P 270 FOR Q = 1 TO 2 * M: FOR K = 1 TO P 280 F(Q, K) = H(K) ^ Q + F(Q, K - 1): NEXT K, Q 290 FOR I = 1 TO N: FOR J = 1 TO N 300 Q = I + J - 2: A(I, J) = F(Q, P) 310 NEXT J, I 320 FOR I = 1 TO N: FOR K = 1 TO P 330 E(I, K) = E(I, K - 1) + C(K) * H(K) ^ (I - 1) 340 NEXT K: B(I, 1) = E(I, P): NEXT I: GOTO 400 350 I = 2 360 IF H(I) = 0 THEN T = H(I): TT = C(I): H(I) = H(1): C(I) = C(1): H(1) = T: C(1) = TT: GOTO 380 370 I = I + 1: IF I <= P THEN 360 380 FOR I = 1 TO N: FOR J = 1 TO N 390 A(I, J) = H(I) ^ (J - 1): NEXT J: B(I, 1) = C(I): NEXT I 400 REM PREVIOUS LINES BIULT UP LINEAR SYSTEM 410 FOR I = 1 TO N: FOR J = 1 TO N: A(I, J) = A(I, J) / 100: NEXT J: B(I, 1) = B(I, 1) / 100: NEXT I: REM TO AVOID OVERFLOW 420 FOR J = 1 TO N 430 X(0, J) = 0: B(J, 1) = B(J, 1) / A(J, J) 440 FOR K = 1 TO N: V(J, K) = -1 * A(J, K) / A(J, J) 450 NEXT K, J 460 FOR MM = 0 TO G - 1: FOR J = 1 TO N 470 GOSUB 500 480 X(MM + 1, J) = Y(J - 1) + Z(N) + B(J, 1): NEXT J, MM 490 GOTO 590 500 Y(0) = 0: Z(J) = 0 510 FOR K = 1 TO J - 1 520 Y(K) = Y(K - 1) + V(J, K) * X(MM + 1, K) 530 NEXT K 540 FOR K = J + 1 TO N 550 Z(K) = Z(K - 1) + V(J, K) * X(MM, K) 560 NEXT K 570 REM EXIT SUB 580 RETURN 590 PRINT "A RELATION IS Y =": FOR J = 1 TO N: X(G, J) = INT(1000 * X(G, J) + .5) / 1000 592 XX$(J) = STR$(X(G, J)): Y$(J) = STR$(J - 1): G$(J) = XX$(J) + "X^" 593 G$(J) = G$(J) + Y$(J): PRINT G$(J) + " + "; 594 NEXT J: PRINT 595 IF PTER$ = "N" THEN 598 596 LPRINT "A RELATION IS Y = ": FOR J = 1 TO N: LPRINT G$(J) + " + "; 597 NEXT J: LPRINT 598 INPUT "DO YOU WISH FOR ANOTHER APPROXIMATING POLYNOMIAL (Y/N) ", AP$ 599 IF AP$ = "Y" THEN 80 600 INPUT "MORE (NEW) LEASTSQUARE PAIRS "; MO$ 605 IF MO$ = "Y" THEN CLS 0: GOTO 50 610 END 620 REM SUB GIVES HARDCOPY OF POINT PAIRS 630 IF PE = 0 THEN 670 640 LPRINT " X , Y " 650 FOR I = 1 TO P: LPRINT USING "######.####"; H(I); C(I) 660 NEXT I: LPRINT 670 RETURN |
Re: Derive coefficients from a set of data points
From: mathtalk-ga on 25 Feb 2005 08:50 PST |
I've not had a reply from rwallacej-ga, so let me at least sketch how I intended to approach the problem. About twenty years ago I wrote a routine (in Apple II Basis!) which used the conjugate gradient method to solve the normal equations (for a polynomial least squares fit; the program used other methods to find best fit polynomials by total absolute error and min-max criteria). Unknown to me at the time, C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders had written an algorithm called LSQR which shares the low storage characteristics of conjugate gradient methods and empirically more robust for ill-conditioned matrices. If there is a "standard" practice now for these problems, this is it. So I've been working on porting this LSQR algorithm to VB.Net, with the intention of placing it (with Google Answer's approval) under a Common Public License. Stanford University hosts a site where CPL'd implementations of the algorithm are available in Fortran, C, and Matlab code: [LSQR: Sparse Equations and Least Squares] http://www.stanford.edu/group/SOL/software/lsqr.html regards, mathtalk-ga |
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