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Category: Relationships and Society > Law Asked by: rambler-ga List Price: $5.00 |
17 Feb 2005 13:11 PST
Expires: 19 Mar 2005 13:11 PST Question ID: 476151 |
Why do some TV programs blur the face of someone caught committing a crime? For example, in programs like "Cops" or "Police Videos", police chase and catch the person who has just obviously committed a crime, but that person's face is blurred or pixelated. Why? Is there a law against showing the faces of such people? |
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Answered By: siliconsamurai-ga on 17 Feb 2005 13:42 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hi, thank you for submitting your question to Answers.Google, I hope I can provide the information you are seeking. I need to preface this by stating that I am a former PBS employee and some of the information I am providing is from personal experience. But, to the point, there is definitely a law, actually several laws, but the most important one in this case is actually the one involved with model releases: First, unless the people involved sign a ?model release? you can?t show their images in a way which actually identifies them clearly unless you meet some rather vague conditions, none of which the producers probably want to have adjudicated every few days. You can show images of crowds but not individuals in most circumstances. Second, some of these individuals are later discovered to be juveniles and it is illegal in most jurisdictions to give out any information whatever about juveniles involved in any crimes, even if convicted, unless they are adjudicated as adults. Thirdly, there is the law of libel/slander which would open the producers and possibly the stations showing the program to civil suit because the presentation suggests strongly that the person shown has done something criminal. The video you see is only a tiny amount of that actually shot and the editing is designed to make the person appear to be guilty and also to make things as exciting as possible. The situation with surveillance videos shown from stores and such is different because the store usually has a posted surveillance policy. COPS and other similar programs not only need to cover their butts, they must also abide by any special rules imposed by the local jurisdictions and protect the stations which broadcast the images. These contracts are extremely complex and vary from situation to situation. For more information see: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=002kze http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-2941/COPS/ Google search terms: COPS model release Google search terms: COPS TV show Thank you again for turning to Answers.Google for help I hope this answers your specific question. As an aside, there is no such thing as "obvious" when you are talking about either the law or the courts. | |
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rated this answer:![]() Very clear and compelling answer. Thank you! |
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From: capitaineformidable-ga on 18 Feb 2005 03:51 PST |
Siliconsamurai makes a very good third point. There was an occasion when I jumped nearly every red light between my home and the local maternity hospital (with extreme vigilance). If I had been caught and had already found guilty by television it could possibly have influenced a court if I had decided to plead ?mitigating circumstances?. Sometimes there is more than one side to a story which is not in the interests of ?good television?. |
From: siliconsamurai-ga on 18 Feb 2005 04:32 PST |
Of course I am only commenting on U.S. law, and the situation varies from place to place, but while it is perfectly permissible to photograph virtually anything , anywhere, or was until the Patriot Act, publishing that photo changes things. Photographing a certain class of people, those who have become public figures, is very simple, but when you single out an individual in a crowd doing something illegal, or even which could cause embarrassment - then put the image on a commercial TV program for entertainment purposes, you open up yourself to being sued and almost certainly to civil penalties. That?s why you can photograph Paris Hilton doing virtually anything and sell the photo, but can?t photograph Jane Doe doing the same outrageous thing and not get sued unless she gives written permission. Photographing someone doing a perp walk is fine, especially for newscasts because you are just showing a matter of public record, i.e. they have been arrested. Similarly for photographing someone being tried or who has been convicted. But showing images of someone and strongly suggesting that they are, as you said, ?obviously? guilty can easily get you sued. The bottom line is that these producers are not only protecting themselves, they also have to protect all the independent stations which purchase these syndicated shows AND their advertisers. When faced with a grey area in the civil law, cautious TV producers take the safe route. |
From: expertlaw-ga on 24 Feb 2005 14:03 PST |
Dear rambler, It is axiomatic that the producers of the show are using pixelation or similar technology to hide the faces of some individuals, out of interest in protecting themselves from possible litigation. I personally would be fascinated to learn what was meant by the allusion to "rather vague conditions" which would permit a news agency to broadcast recognizable images of a person without obtaining a model release. All you have to do is watch the evening news, to realize that news agencies routinely broadcast such footage under circumstances where they could not possibly have obtained model releases. I would also be fascinated to review some examples of the laws which would prevent a news agency from broadcasting information about a juvenile suspect at penalty of law, because at first blush it would seem that such a statute would violate the First Amendment, and also because of the many high profile cases (e.g., Nathaniel Abraham, Derek and Alex King, Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden, etc.) in which the names and pictures of juvenile criminal suspects were broadcast on the national news. Libel and slander seem to be much less the issue than are torts pertaining to invasion of privacy. The Forida Bar, through its Online Media Center, has published a rather detailed article on those torts, and how they can apply to even the publication of truthful information: http://www.flabar.org/DIVCOM/PI/RHandbook01.nsf/0/dfc00ac22467b7f5852569cb004cbc2a?OpenDocument While I will grant that a news organization is safe from accusations of invasion of privacy in broadcasting footage from a public courthouse, there is no magic line between footage or pictures of a crime being committed and footage or pictures broadcast post-arrest. How many times did you see the Rodney King beating footage before any charged were filed against the involved officers? How many times did you see the subsequent beating of a truck driver by a mob, before anybody was charged in connection with that incident. I would be fascinated, also, to hear of any case where the editing of such footage - for purposes of "excitement", as opposed to for purposes of creating a false impression of the events depicted - created liability where none existed before. And in terms of private versus public figures, the real question here is of newsworthiness - while footage of a private person doing some silly act might well form a basis for accusation of "invasion of privacy", whereas footage of a celebrity doing the same thing would be fair game, footage of that same person's commission of a crime is qualitatively different as the subject matter will ordinarily be newsworthy. This 1999 transcript from Newshour with Jim Lehrer, available through the PBS website, mentions some of the litigation which dramatically changed the way some police shows comported themselves during ride-alongs, due to successful "invasion of privacy" claims. Scroll down about half-way to the headline, "Media ride-alongs". http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/law/jan-june99/courtwatch_5-24.html Privacy issues can be magnified for people who just happen to be present at a crime scene, particularly on a show like Cops, and it seems that such shows are more likely to blur or pixelate bystander faces. I would venture that shows like Cops, as much as possible, now obtain releases from as many people as are willing to sign them, suspect, witness, or bystander, just to play it safe. |
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