Hello, racecar.
It's true that the 20/something numbers associated with the Snellen
visual acuity chart do not have precise equivalents in diopters. I
squabbled with an ophthalmologist about this many years ago. I asked
him for my exact "20/something" number, and he gave me a bunch of
rigmarole which basically translated to "I dunno." As it turns out, "I
dunno" was the right answer; visual acuity is affected by several
factors in addition to the curvature of the eye's lens. I finally
wrung a guesstimate out of an optometrist, who said that my correction
of -7.75 diopters was in the vicinity of 20/1000. He may have pulled
this out of his navel, of course, but it seems to jibe with what I've
learned elsewhere.
I have found a chart that gives some rough approximations of
"20/something" values for myopic (nearsighted) patients:
"Eyesight is commonly evaluated by reading a Snellen eye chart from a
distance of 20 feet - the distance beyond which the lens does not need
to adjust for distance. (This is the equivalent of the infinity
setting on a camera.) Variances from the 'ideal' 20/20 can be caused
by myopia, astigmatism and other variables including the lighting in
the room. 20/something provides a descriptive approximation of visual
The power of a lens placed in front of the eye to correct for myopia
is measured in terms of diopters. Diopters are a prescriptive measure
of myopia. If myopia is the only variable, the following approximate
relationships exist between measurements in terms of diopters and in
terms of 20/something:
In Diopters 20/something
-0.50 20/25 to 20/30
-1.00 20/30 to 20/50
-3.00 20/300
-4.00 20/400
-5.00 20/600
-6.00 20/800 "
LPF: Diopters and 20/Something
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: 20/100 20/200 diopters
I hope this is precisely what you need. If it is not, please request
clarification, and I'll resume the quest.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |