What safe herbal or pharmaceutical agents are available to reduce dream-inducing
psychoactivity during sleep and during attempts to sleep, and what are
the effects and efficacy of such agents ? |
Request for Question Clarification by
18 Feb 2005 23:02 PST
Helli imclemster,
I have found around the Net mentions of pharmaceuticals that do make
reductions in REM sleep (the dream-inducing stage of sleep), but they
do not mention the level of efficacy. Nothing on herbs or other
natural substances has been found (marijuana is mentioned, but that is
an unsafe herb). Are you looking for any particular products for
reducing REM sleep?
Clarification of Question by
19 Feb 2005 11:13 PST
Dear Techtor:
Marijuana is quite psychoactive, although such psychoactivity is
attributed to certain active chemicals in the herb. Some other
powerful pharmaceuticals like Xanax will knock you out, but are
addictive as they bind to neural receptors very tightly. Because of
occassional festive use of cocaine and marijuana, combined with a very
active work and social life, psychoactivity prevents deep sleep and
causes vivid dreams. Hence the search for preferably natural ways of
suppressing psychoactivity during sleep for a higher quality sleep.
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Feb 2005 09:26 PST
Hello imclester,
So I assume you are prioritizing herbs and other "natural" products,
but I believe those are hard to find. I have only found mention of
antidepressants so far as "safe" pharmaceutical substances, and only
pharmaceutical substances are the safe stuff" I've seen mentioned that
seem to reduce REM sleep. I assume that what you are looking for are
substances that allow you to have dreamless (REMless) sleep? Also,
would you be satisfied if I found only pharmaceutical products?
Clarification of Question by
20 Feb 2005 20:46 PST
Sure, that would be OK. But don't bother with the standard
anti-depressants such as the various xanax and benzodiazepines,
prozac, valium et al. I'm aware of those, and unfortunately, they
have significant negative mid-long term impact on cognitive ability
not to mention addictiveness. You are right however that the
preference is on herbal or natural based products.
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Feb 2005 17:33 PST
Hello imclester,
I realized I had missed your mention of marijuana and cocaine use.
These drugs will certainly disturb the normal sleep cycle, and any
remedy you may use, herbal or not, will not be enough. Those drugs
really do something to your brain, perhaps something permanent.
Dancingbear's suggestion to stop even just festive use of these
narcotic drugs makes very good sense to me. If you completely stop
using them, surely all your sleep problems will be solved.
Clarification of Question by
23 Feb 2005 11:01 PST
That was a most obvious answer thanks.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Feb 2005 09:03 PST
Well, with the obvious answer aside, would you still like a list of
medications and/or natural products that are known to be sleeping aids
and might meet the requirements you outlined in your question?
Clarification of Question by
02 Mar 2005 05:51 PST
Guess not, from the comments it's pretty clear the obvious answer is
the best one. Having access to sleeping aids will just persuade me to
avoid the obvious. Thanks.