I am certain that you're remembering a book called "Material World: A
Global Family Portrait."
"In honor of the United Nations-sponsored International Year of the
Family in 1994, award-winning photojournalist Peter Menzel brought
together 16 of the world's leading photographers to create a visual
portrait of life in 30 nations. Material World tackles its wide
subject by zooming in, allowing one household to represent an entire
nation. Photographers spent one week living with a 'statistically
average' family in each country, learning about their work, their
attitudes toward their possessions, and their hopes for the future.
Then a 'big picture' shot of the family was taken outside the
dwelling, surrounded by all their (many or few) material goods...
A fascinating look at the material possessions of families throughout
the world. These people have been determined "average" for their
countries and have agreed to have photographers move the contents of
their houses outside in order to create visible representations of
their relative standards of living. The dirt house and few possessions
of Mali residents contrast with the 4 cars, 45-foot long sofa, and 12+
oriental carpets lined up outside the luxury home of a family from
Kuwait. Each chapter includes the original spread of possessions,
statistics about each family and country, as well as further pictures
of daily life and some observations by the photographer. Interspersed
among the chapters, which are divided by region, are pictorial
representations of such interesting comparisons as televisions, meals,
and toilets."
Material World: A Global Family Portrait
I hope this is helpful. If this is not the correct book, please
request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance before
you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |