Hi tenjens,
Q) How do spiders communicate?
A) Through WEB SITES !!
Your Answer is here, don't forget to rewrite it into your own words.:
Multisensory Cues and Multimodal Communication in Spiders: Insights
from Video/Audio Playback Studies
..."Spiders perceive the world using multiple sensory modes, including
vibration, vision, and chemical senses, for prey detection and
communication.....and in sexual signals during courtship..."
More details on the first page:
..."Spiders detect prey, predators and communication signals from
other spiders using several sensory modes:
(1) mechanical senses ? specialized hairs and slit sensillae that
detect acoustic, vibratory and tactile cues;
(2) chemical senses ? specialized hairs and pit organs that detect
pheromones and prey odors; and..
(3) visual senses ? several types of eyes that detect motion and/or
images with varying degrees of resolution [see chapters in Barth,
1985]. In many spiders, the sensory organs used in perception of prey
cues are also used to perceive signals from other (usually
conspecific) spiders..."
Hope this helps...
~~Cynthia |