X-ray images
Category: Science > Biology Asked by: thepresentoftime-ga List Price: $5.00 |
22 Feb 2005 13:23 PST
Expires: 24 Mar 2005 13:23 PST Question ID: 478898 |
How can I find a website(s) depicting X-ray images showing abnormal foreign bodies or obstructions? For example, an x-ray image showing a bullet lodged in the abdomen or an image showing an object that someone swallowed or an image showing surgeon tools left inside of a body after an operation. The key is that the x-rays must have something wrong with them--even a broken bone would be great. | |
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Re: X-ray images
Answered By: pafalafa-ga on 23 Feb 2005 07:54 PST Rated: |
I'm glad the link I provided met your needs so well. I'm posting it here again to make for an official answer to your question: http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2003-43,GGLD:en&q=%28nail+OR+coin+OR+bullet+OR+forceps+OR+foreign+body+OR+object%29+x%2Dray By the way, I used the following search terms at the Google Images site: [ (nail OR coin OR bullet OR forceps OR foreign body OR object) x-ray ] You can easily modify this to add or remove terms to look for other images. For instance, you can search on [ obstruction x-ray ], and sure enough, some additional images pop up: http://images.google.com/images?svnum=100&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&c2coff=1&rls=GGLD%2CGGLD%3A2004-33%2CGGLD%3Aen&q=obstruction+x-ray&btnG=Search Let me know if you need any additional information. Cheers, pafalafa-ga |
rated this answer:
Very impressed with the accuracy and help. It was exactly what I was looking for. |
Re: X-ray images
From: pecospearl-ga on 22 Feb 2005 19:55 PST |
Here is what I found, at the end I'll tell you how I found it: Palestinian Killed By Bullet http://alfatihoun.edaama.org/Fichiers/Palestine/Wounded/web/images/Palestinian%20Wounded%20by%20sionist%20occupiers%20forces%20backed%20by%20all%20the%20world%20XRayBulletCircled.jpg20wounded.htm Nail in Skull http://graphics.boston.com/images/daily/02/nail.jpg Coin in throat http://www.medicdirect.co.uk/images/xray_of_coin_in_throat.jpg Wedding Ring, Thumbtack, Partial Dentures http://www.siumed.edu/emg/stock105.htm Chicken bone http://www.siumed.edu/emg/stock104.htm Sponge in pelvic area http://www.webmm.ahrq.gov/images/figure_sponge_xray.gif Scissors in pelvic area http://www.star969.com/common/getstory.asp?id=34590 Screw in Skull http://abclocal.go.com/images/kgo_090203_hunt_xray.jpg Spike in Skull http://www.trauma.org/cases/images/headspike.jpg Medical xray library http://www.netmedicine.com/xray/xr.htm I used google images for the following search terms: xray bullet xray foreign xray skull xray trauma xray library Thanks,thepresentoftime, it was amazing seeing all the objects found in people's bodies. I saw on local TV in Tyler, Tx where a huge hook was imbedded in a man's skull (he was using the hook for some equipment and it hit him in the head) but I couldn't find an image for it. I remember swallowing a penny when I was a kid. Wonder if it is still there :) |
Re: X-ray images
From: thepresentoftime-ga on 23 Feb 2005 07:44 PST |
Thanks. Exactly what I needed. God bless |
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