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obscure book with Lord of the Flies-like premise
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature Asked by: gmosca-ga List Price: $3.00 |
22 Feb 2005 15:20 PST
Expires: 24 Mar 2005 15:20 PST Question ID: 478956 |
I never forget books I've read, so this experience is maddening. I am struggling to find the title and author of a book I read in 7th grade. I thought it was called "The Girl Who Ruled the World," but searches for that on Amazon and Barnes and Noble (even in the out of print section) have come up empty. The premise is as follows: All the adults in a community die from a mysterious virus, leaving the kids. The kids end up banding into two warring factions, one of which takes over the high school and makes it into a essentially a fort. I know it sounds like a silly rip off of Lord of the Flies, but it was actually a good book. I would love to know the correct title and author! Gina |
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Re: obscure book with Lord of the Flies-like premise
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 22 Feb 2005 15:35 PST Rated: ![]() |
You almost remembered the title correctly. It is actually "The Girl Who Owned a City," by O.T. Nelson. "A killing virus has swept the earth, sparing only children through the age of twelve. There is chaos everywhere, even in formely prosperous mid-America. Gangs and fierce armies of children begin to form almost immediately. It would be the same for the children on Grand Avenue but for Lisa, a yen-year-old girl who becomes their leader. Because of Lisa, they have food, even toys, in abundance. And now they can protect themselves from the fierce gangs that roam the neighborhoods. But for how long? Then Lisa conceives the idea of a fortress, a city in which the children could live safely and happily always, and she intends to lead them there." Amazon: The Girl Who Owned a City http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0822596709 "After a mysterious plague kills everybody on Earth over age 12, Lisa attempts to provide food for herself and her little brother, Todd. Gradually she realizes that there is strength in numbers, and organizes the neighborhood kids into a 'militia' to defend their homes. When she realizes that the homes are too difficult to defend, she decides to move the group into the local high school and to fortify it. Children begin to arrive from everywhere, drawn to Lisa's leadership, and the fortress soon becomes a 'city' of seven hundred children." Crowbold: Nuclear war, plagues & other disasters http://www.crowbold.com/homepage/nukebib.htm Google search strategy: Google Web Search: "the girl who owned a city" ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22the+girl+who+owned+a+city%22 I hope this is helpful! If this is not the correct book, please request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance before you rate my answer. Best regards, pinkfreud | |
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rated this answer:![]() Thanks for the prompt and thorough answer!! I was slightly concerned I had dreamt this book up during my troubled youth. |
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Re: obscure book with Lord of the Flies-like premise
From: pinkfreud-ga on 22 Feb 2005 15:42 PST |
Please excuse a typographical error in the quote from Amazon. Obviously, "yen-year-old girl" should have been "ten-year-old girl." The error was present in the original text, which I excerpted intact from Amazon. |
From: sisterdebmac-ga on 15 Mar 2005 21:07 PST |
I went in search of info on this story tonight. I first read it serialized in a kids' magazine they handed out in middle school in the 70s. I never, ever forgot it. Today, I'm thinking it might make a pretty cool movie. I'm thrilled to see that others are remembering it from their youths and that new kids are discovering it and recommending it on kidsbookshelf today. You guys familiar with "The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes"? |
Re: obscure book with Lord of the Flies-like premise
From: gmosca-ga on 16 Mar 2005 05:46 PST |
No, can't say I'm familiar with "The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes." I will have to file that one away, along with "Swan Song," as future titles to check out. Thanks! |
Re: obscure book with Lord of the Flies-like premise
From: sisterdebmac-ga on 17 Mar 2005 16:41 PST |
I'm trying to find the source story for "The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes". I read it in a middle school text book called "Diversity". And then I discovered that it was turned into an episode of Rod Serling's "Night Gallery". I think Ron Howard's little brother Clint played the title character. I just remember thinking that the TV show was nowhere near as scary as the original story. So far, all my net searches have lead only to short blurbs about the NG ep, nothing on the short story. Will have to do more research on that one. For some reason, I can't think of "The Girl..." without thinking of "The Boy...". |
Re: obscure book with Lord of the Flies-like premise
From: pinkfreud-ga on 17 Mar 2005 16:47 PST |
sisterdebmac, You might want to post a new question to see whether one of the Google Answers Researchers can help you find your story. To post a question, start here: http://www.answers.google.com/answers/askquestion |
Re: obscure book with Lord of the Flies-like premise
From: pinkfreud-ga on 17 Mar 2005 16:52 PST |
sisterdebmac, Hi again. I've found a book that contains "The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes." It's out of print, but readily available used, at reasonable prices. If you'd like to post a new question, I guarantee you an answer. ;-) ~pinkfreud |
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