All recent Vodafone handsets support XHTML Basic (+ some proprietary extensions).
Older J-Phone handsets have support for MML or Mobile Markup Language,
an HTML derivate similar to DoCoMo's cHTML (but, as usual, a bit
More info on Vodafone's XHTML Basic support on (document
is in Japanese, but also contains a lot of understandable code samples
and references).
As for MML, I can't come up with relevant documentation -most of it
seems to have disappeared when J-Phone became Vodafone KK-, but the
"J-sky editor" software can still be downloaded from
To be honest, I wouldn't develop several mobile versions of one site;
recent DoCoMo/Vodafone/AU handsets all support XHTML Basic (and even
XHTML-MP), so it should be possible to create one version that works
on all recent handsets - older phones may have some display problems,
but then again, the number of consumers stuck with a +3 years old
phone is rather limited. Forward compatibility is the way to go, in my
opinion. |